"Summy. I have to look out for my best friend" He joked. I rolled my eyes.

"Can we come in? Watch you acting?" I asked Andrew. He nodded. We jumped over the gate thing, that was only a piece of wood and followed Andrew to the filming area.

"John, My friends are going to be watching the filming. They won't interrupt" He told the guy sitting in a chair.

"Okay. But they say one word and there out" John said, looking at us. We nodded quickly and sat down on the nearest chair.

We got up and walked over to the makeup place with Andrew. He was getting hes make up taken off. Wow. Andrew was a good actor. Even though I didn't even know what the movie was about. Strangely I couldn't stop looking at Andrew. There was something about him that made you want to look at him for hours, I only just noticed that.

"Summy. Snap out of that. You keep looking off into space" Tyler yelled.

"Sorry. I was just lost in thought, I guess" I lied. Well, it wasn't a total lie, I was lost in though, just about one person. He nodded and looked away.

Andrew had all of his make up off and changed back into normal clothes.

"Who are you playing anyway?" I asked.

"A dead guy. That falls in love with this beautiful girl. He becomes like a guardian angel for her and then yeah, Its kind of scary and romantic and some other stuff in it" He told me. I nodded. Unsure if it would even turn out a good movie. I'm sure it will be a good movie, but not a good plot. We walked out of the studio gates and towards the ice cream parlor.

"Soon. Your not going to go out like this. People will be following you" I blurted out. Andrew looked at me.

"I never thought about that. Or maybe I did and its just slipped my mind or something. But people will only follow me if I'm good looking. So Summer, do you think I'm good looking?" He asked. My eyes bulged.

"Well. Your not ugly, Your..... decent" I hesitated. Its not like I'm going to tell him he's hot. And I'm not going to lie to him and say he is completely ugly. Tyler burst into laughter. Andrew was eying me, giving me and angry look.

"Way to boost my confidence" He said sarcastically. He's still angry, you can tell. We walked into the ice cream parlor.

"Can I please have a blueberry blast ice cream" I said.

"I will have a lemon one" Tyler said.

"I will have a blueberry blast too" Andrew said. The worker got out ice creams ready and gave them to us.

"That will be $12.65" She told us. I grabbed my purse out of my pocket and handed the lady a twenty dollar note. She gave the change back and Tyler toke it before I could take it. I won't worry. He will give it back later anyway. I will just sit on him until he give it back.

"You should be happy I brought that for you. So give me my money back!" I yelled at Tyler. He put the money in his back pocket and sat down on a wooden chair.

"Maybe later. I want to enjoy my really yummy ice cream" He said. Licking it slowly so he could hold the money for longer. I rolled my eyes and hit his arm.

I sat on Tyler's back. Andrew left awhile ago, to go tell his mom he got the gob or something.

"Give me the money now" I told Tyler. He groaned and tried to move.

"Get your boney ass of me!" Tyler yelled. I shook my head and got up and then jumped on him, not to hard though. I don't want to break one of his bones and I don't want to hurt myself. He shuffled his hand around in his pocket and gave me the money.

"Can you get off now?" He asked. I put my hand on my chin pretending to think.

"I don't know. Whats the special word?" I asked.

"Please! get off me!" He yelled.

"That's not the special word" I said.

"Elmo! Get off me" He yelled. I smiled and got to my feet.

"I regret that I told you the special word now" I laughed. He faked laughed and then whacked the back of my leg, causing me to fall flat on my bum. He started to laugh. He got to his feet and started to walk away. I quickly got up and ran after him.

"You your my best friend and I love you. So there is no need to hurt me" He said quickly. I laughed and whacked his arm.

"If you ever do that to me again. I will hurt you" I warned. It was about 10:00 now and I have school tomorrow so I think its okay to go to sleep now.

"Stop staring off into space!" Tyler yelled.

"Whatever. I have to go now. So I can go to bed and stuff" I said. He nodded.

"Bye" He said.

"Bye" I replied. I walked to my house and put on some PJ's and went to bed.



I want this story to become, well not big but so i have a few readers. I only have 5 and there all from another website I go on. So please try and help me. please.

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