When the boy came into the albino's sight, he growled, "There ya are ya little shit."

Grimmjow watched as Shiro picked Ichigo up by his bright orange hair. He didn't know what was going on with Shiro, but he knew better than to mess with the albino and Ichigo when they got into their little skirmishes.

Shiro hissed into Ichigo's ear, making the bot flinch, "Ya know," Shiro held a bloody blade against Ichigo's cheek, "you owe me for that little stunt."

Ichigo tried wriggling out of Shiro's grip, "You deserved it bastard! Who strangles someone in their sleep?!" Ichigo growled.

Shiro glared into Ichigo's brown eyes, "You were emitting a pretty dark aura," Shiro licked Ichigo's bruising neck, "and I like it...."

It clicked into Grimmjow's head what was going on with Shiro.

Shiro subconsciously wants to mate with Ichigo. The aura Ichigo was emitting must have been his Diez powers awakening. Grimmjow sniffed the air, then growled. He hadn't taken the time to smell Ichigo's scent.

It was intoxicating.

Grimmjow forgot what it was like to be in the presence of another powerful being. Sure Shiro seemed powerful, but Ichigo was something special.

Taking a few steps closer, Grimmjow leaned into Ichigo's neck and took another whiff. Ichigo tensed up, and looked over at Grimmjow.

"Grimm.....what are you doing?"

Grimmjow's eyes turned into slits, "I see what's got ya worked up snowflake.." Grimmjow purred.

Shiro growled against Ichigo's throat, "You thinking what I'm thinking Grimmjow?"

Grimjow nodded, "Sure as hell am."

Ichigo glared at the two, "What the fuck are you two doing? Get the fuck away from me." Ichigo pushed Grimmjow away, then elbowed Shiro in the gut.

When the two were far enough away, Ichigo ran to the front door.
'Almost! There!' Ichigo mentally cheered as his hand reached towards the door handle. But when he felt claws dig into his shoulder, Ichigo knew that he was being pulled back into the fire.

"Where do you think," Shiro started as he pulled Ichigo back, "you're going!"

Ichigo growled, "Away from you ass holes!"

Grimmjow shook his head, and grabbed Ichigo's legs, "I think we will have to teach you some proper obedience. Now that you have the power of a Diez, we will have to make sure you don't try blowing our heads off just because you're angry or moody."

Ichigo shook his head, he didn't know what Grimmjow was talking about. When Ichigo supposedly had a fit yesterday, he had done something to Shiro to gain, what was supposedly some type of power. Grimmjow was going to explain to him yesterday, but Ichigo had passed out from the exertion he had used during his tantrum.

"I'll blow you both to pieces! Let go!" Ichigo did't know what he could do, so he just started spouting threats.

Shiro kept a-hold of his arms, and the two males started carrying Ichigo towards Grimmjow's bedroom. Once inside, Shiro handed Ichigo over to Grimmjow so that he could lock the door; Grimmjow on the other hand, threw Ichigo onto his bed.

Ichigo bounced a little, then made a tisking sound, his head was starting to throb with an approaching headache. When he looked up, his mocha eyes met Grimmjow's bright, azure ones. Ichigo tried to scramble back, but Grimmjow's hand shot out to wrap around Ichigo's throat, keeping the boy still.

"We were in this position before, weren't we Vixen?" Grimmjow purred.

A flash of a memory crossed Ichigo's mind, Grimmjow had tried to rape him, but Shiro had helped Ichigo escape. Looking over at Shiro now, Ichigo knew there was no escape this time; Shiro would be helping Grimmjow this time.

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