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Let's start off with one of the mot commonly known phobias.

Definition - The fear of spiders

Percentages - in western society, approximately 55% of women and 18% of men have some fear of spiders

Random fact - people with arachnophobia will often search a room for spiders upon entering. If they do see a spider, they will often watch it closely as it crawls around the room.

Me - I'm arachnophobic. I freaking hate spiders! I do that ^, avoid stepping in places where they did, and start glancing around for them whenever someone talks about them or I read about them. I don't even like to touch them when they're just pictures in a science textbook! And yes, I've read the statistics and I know they're almost all harmless, but they have EIGHT FREAKING LEGS AND LIKE EIGHT EYES AND - I'm just gonna stop now...

So yeah, is anyone else arachnophobic? Tell me in the comments! :)

Frick, there goes a spider...

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