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The stress I feel is poison, I can smell it in the air

I'm polluted with this toxic waste, and it's everywhere

The poison makes me sick and it hurts me very much

It damages my mind and makes my soul sensitive to the touch

This poison has a bitter taste that makes me wanna shout

I find another something to get the taste out of my mouth

This negativity is toxic, how it eats away at me

The chemical burns still linger but they're covered so you don't see

I'm gripping onto the last moments that I live

I'll shall die if I don't flush it out of my system, the amount will be big

This poison makes me nauseous, this poison makes me weak

This poison comes out of my eyes and trickles down each cheek

Now I've gotten a taste of a bitter pesticide

It comes to kill and not to heal, you can run but you can't hide

PoisonWhere stories live. Discover now