Step Seven: Thinking Positively

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I know that we all can't just have positive and happy thoughts in the snap of a finger. Unfortunately, positivity doesn't just come simply. You gotta work on it.

I know you can't just look in the mirror and say "Actually, I shouldn't be sad about my body right now. I am beautiful." I mean, I wish you could, but even I can't do that.

However, you can surround yourself with positive people, and they will rub off on you. Trust me.

If you follow all the previous steps, they will lead you to positive thoughts.

Understand though that it's okay to have bad moments. The most positive people in the world have times when they doubt themselves. We all have moments when we just need to be alone. We have days where we don't want to go outside, or where we can't look in the mirror.

It's okay to have bad thoughts, but it's not okay to let them control your happiness.

I know that right now you might not be happy about your body, or your skin, or your life in general. I know that right now you might be running your hand over your stomach and all you feel is disgust. I understand. I do the same things.

Except don't let that keep you from having a life.

I'm not going to sit here and try to convince you how our bodies do not define us. I have people tell me that all the time and I don't believe them. I find those inspirational things annoying.

Instead, I'm going to tell you how our bodies truly are amazing. For example, we sleep. We breathe. We eat food. We walk. We run. We kiss. We have children. We have bones and muscles and there are so many organs and cool things under your skin right now. We have a brain, and we can read and write! We can think! We can see! Just look around you! Look at the vision that you have. That your body has. Your body is awesome. My body is awesome. Our bodies are awesome.

Read each word slow and clearly. Don't you feel privileged? We are living, human beings. We are pieces of stardust.

I'm a deep thinker, if you haven't realized, but think about that. Think about everything I just said.

How can you feel bad about your body after that? You are literally made from stardust. You have insides churning and moving and doing things right now and if you don't think that's beautiful then I don't know what is.

You don't have to love your body. You don't have to love the acne on your skin, or the color of your hair, or the distance between your eyes. You don't have to love any of those things at all. But just remember that you have eyes, a brain, and a heart. You should love those things. You should love your body.

It's time to start thinking positively.

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