The Party

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Hey guys. I am alive and I am back with a new chapter. I am sorry I haven't updated in a while. Something happened during the beginning of my summer and I just didn't want to talk or write but that was in the past. Well enough chit chat. Enjoy!!!!

Naruto's POV

"That bastard. I was just trying to help. I mean why was he so upset? Did what I said in the cafe really hurt him that bad? Maybe I took it to far? No he deserverd it. I have to get ready for my date with Kyu."

I decided to go back to my dorm to go shower. I walked back in and I heard the water start. "He beat me to it. Better choose my clothing while I wait. First day here and I am already going on a date. Go NARUTO!!!!" I started unpacking and putting all of my clothing in the dresser we have. There is two so I don't have to share with Sasuke. He was still in the shower. Ugh.. I noticed he alread unpacked and there was a note on his bed. My curiousity got the best of me and I decided to read it.

Day One
I finally arrived at camp and found the most beautiful being in existence. His name is Naruto. He has the most beautiful shade of blue for his eyes and his golren hair rivals the sun. He is so amazing and pure. He was able to read me on the first day. He showed the real me to everyone. I was so embarrassed and angry. He already found someone. I decided I will go to the party we have tonight alone and see what happens and get Naruto out of my mind. I can't force him to do anything. My plan is to ignore him and see what happens. I don't know if this is love but everytime I think about him I feel pain. I can't descibe it but it hurts. For now I will try to be happy. Hopefully it works.

"What are you doing?" I quickly turn to see Sasuke in a black and red towel around his waist. His perfect abs were still wet which made them more sexy. I look to his face and see an angry look. Was he glaring at me? I really messed up after what I said in the cafe and now reading his personal stuff. Nothing was said for a good two minutes until he broke the silence.

"First you embarrass me in front of the whole camp and now you are reading my personal things? Didn't you not want to have anything to with me and pull this shit?"


"Save it. I am so not in the mood to deal with this. All this happened and its already the first day. What else are you going to do? Did I really do some much stuff to you to deserve this? Just get off my bed and stay out of my life. Shouldn't be too hard since you made your feelings very clear."

I get off of his bed very quicly and run into the bathroom I had nothing to say to him. He was completely right at that moment and I did want him out of my life now he wants me out of his. Shouldn't I be happy? Then why am I not?

I need to get ready. I am going to that party. I strip and step into the shower. I turn on the cold water. I actually like the cold water. I quickly wash up and get out of the bathroom and noticed Sasuke already left. I put deoderant, dont want to start smelling now do i? I put on a fresh pair of orage underwear, white skinny jeans, black pollo, white cardigan, with a white bow tie and black Convers and my glasses. Applied the perfect amount of cologne. I made sure everything was off. I notice a sticky note on the counter.

Dear Asshole,
I am going to the party. But I am sure you already knew that. Don't foget your keys or you will be locked out but you have Kyubbi to sleep with but still don't forget your keys. I will be talking to you through sticky notes since you apparently don't mind reading anything I wite anyway so bye. Sincerely (NOT)- Sasuke

That hurt way more then I thought. I grab my keys and make sure I don't drop them so I bury tem deep in my pocket and grab my iPhone and leave. Lockimg the door. I head over to Kyubbi's dorm. I knock and hear rustling. The door swings open with Kyubbi wearing clothes similsr to mine just the orange and black version and even matching glasses. (A/N I am a hipster so no judging) He has great taste. I notice he is smirking. "You're drooling" I quickly wipe my mouth with. I feel my cheeks burning ftom the intensity of my blush. "You are so adorable, you know that" he says with the warmest smile I have ever seen. "I am sorry change of plans, we are going to the party." He loo happy? "Cool, that's fine. We can go to the resturant later. I actually going to say to go to the party because the resturant lost our reservation." I smile. That is a relief, now I don't feel so bad. "Let me go get my keys and my phone so we can go." He grabs his stuff and locks the door. He reaches out and grabs my hand. "Shall we?" " We shall." I laugh st his goofiness. This night might be really amzing.

Boy was I wrong...

Dun dun dun. What happens next? Find out on the next chapter. This was really long. My longest for now. I will update this week maybe even tomorrow. Stay tuned to find out. Naruto is going to have a lot of pairings and I mean a lot and I might add some crossovers you never know. Well by for now my lovelies.

Camp Horny [ Discontinued ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora