prologue \\ july

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prologue \\

July had settled over Beacon Hills with grace, not a single threat in sight.

It was peaceful and blissful and not to mention well deserved for those who'd survived the chaos that had kicked off the year.

In the Talbot house, all was in order as Dakoda laid sprawled out on her kitchen floor. Brett was still fast asleep upstairs and hanging half off the bed with drool dampening his pillow. Derek on the other hand was over at the loft playing landlord to the tenants of the building.

Lydia Martin clicked her tongue, licking pastel blue envelopes as she sat across from Koda. "Is only a month after the proposal too soon?"

"You ask me that as you seal my invitations?" Koda asked the strawberry blonde as she slid the tastefully designed invite into an envelope.

Lydia made a soft noise as she spritzed vanilla onto the envelope. "I'm just asking."

Koda lightly sighed, "It's just me being paranoid, that's all. I'm just worried if we set it in December or something, we could all be dead. I don't know, maybe a vampire with a foot fetish could show up, or a swarm of ravens poke out our eyes."

Lydia's nose scrunched, "Those were the best you could come up with?"

"Oh, come on. You've had a serial killing English teacher and a scrawny Japanese demon. Things only get weirder from there." She flipped her pen between her fingers, "And to be fair, it's like a month and a half after the proposal."

Lydia laughed brightly, "Okay, I'll take it." She held up a finger, "But if we get the foot fetish vamp, I'm sleeping with garlic on my feet because I just bought this pair of super cute sandals and they won't look good with punctures all over my feet."

Dakoda pulled herself up to a sitting position as she grinned. "Vampires actually aren't bothered by garlic. It may make you taste better, in fact."

Lydia paled, "Vampires actually exist?"

"About as much as werewolves and banshees do," Koda replied. "Did you not see them in the beastiary?"

She shook her head, her eyes wide. "No, I definitely did not."

"You and Parrish tore over that thing for weeks. I'm surprised." Koda hesitated, "Speaking and Parrish?"

Lydia looked up, missing the envelope completely as she sprayed the vanilla. "What about me and Parrish?"

Koda held back a laughed, only smiling instead. "Are you two, like a thing?"

"What?" Lydia laughed a little nervously. "I, that's not even a thing. There is no thing."

Raising an eyebrow, Dakoda watched the banshee struggle. "We're making my wedding invitations and you can't humor me with even a little boy talk?"

Lydia breathed out a puff of air, it fluttering a loose wave of hair that hadn't made it into her messy bun. "I don't know, Koda."

"You don't know what you want or you don't know if there's anything between the two of you?"

Lydia bit the inside of her cheek in thought, "Both, I guess. It seems like there's something there."

Koda nodded, "That's evident to just about everyone."

Brett cleared his throat as he came down the stairs, "Man on the floor."

"Morning," Koda and Lydia said together.

"Good morning," the teen replied in greeting as he came into the kitchen. "How're invitations going?"

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