Chapter Four: School

Start from the beginning

After I had a convosation with Mrs Turner, she gave me my timetable and a map to find my way around the school. I didn't bother going into the first lesson as it was about to end in five minutes. As i made my way to my assigned locker, the bell rang making the empty halls fill with the sounds of laughter, chatter and moans.

 I looked down to my timetable, history. Good, i liked history. I made my way through the mazes of corridoor to room 12, as I walked to the room I decided to make an effort with myself, first appearances right, I took of my soaking wet hoodie and ringed my hair a little, that would have to do for now.

I entered the room, heads snapped up at me, I got a few glares from girls that were so plastic looking, I reckon they had "made in china" stamped on there butts. The boys stared at me opened  mouthed in shock, why? I looked down at myself, oh thats why, My t.shirt had become see-through from all the rain revealing my red lacey bra. Exellent, Ugh!

"Can I help you miss?"

I grabbed my hoodie and placed in my arms, covering my chest with it. I snapped my head to look at a stout man. He had gray wirey hair which was greatly bolding. His beady eyes were framed by thick framed glasses. It took alot not to just burst out laughing at him, I turned my laughter in a huge smile insted, I held out my hand.

"Hi i'm Amy Dallas, I'm new here"

He looked at my hand rasing an eyebrow in discust, I dropped my hand and groaned. Ugh! Great now I look stupid. He didn't bother speaking to me, he just pionted his bone like finger at an empty table which was at the back of the room by the window.

 I walked up the aisle and took my seat. I sighed and looked out the window, The rain had picked up even more, a deep, thick fog hugged the forest in its arms. I turned my attention to the blackboard to see what we were learning. "American West". I smiled at this slightly. I should be good at this right. I mean I am american right?

"Miss Dallas, Can you tell me please, Which animal was most significant in the spirtual world to the Native Indians? 

I looked at him in total confusion. "Uuuuhhhhhh?" I pulled a stupid face in confusion. I had no Idea."I don't know Sir, sorry" I looked around the room to relise that I was getting looks of discust from people.

"I don't know, sorry Sir" I did a cheesy, save my butt smile at him but he turned he's nose up at it. Pftt.

"No, Miss Dallas the answer isn't, "Sorry sir , I don't know" " I heard smug giggles from around the room

Ha.ha.ha. Why do teacher think there so cool, with there not so funny jokes. I propt up my elbows onto my desk and placed my head into them. This was going to be a long day.

"Miss Gray, can you answer this simple question?" I looked towards a plactic girl. Ew. She was orange faced, she had fake eyelashed on and ratty hair exstensions clipped into her bleach blonde hair. Avoid. She had her top three bottons undone revealing a very raunchy hot pink bra. You could tell by the way Sir looked at her, that she blatly seen as one of the school beauties or "popular" kids.

She giggled. "Hehe! Yes Sir course I can answer that for you, anything for you sir, the animal that was most significant in the spirtual world to the Native Indians was the wolf."

My head sprung up, how did I not know that one?!

"Correct Rebecca" He praised her.

She giggled cakily and looked round the room, once she saw I was staring at her, she stopped laughing at gave me the look of discust. I turned on my scences and took in her aroma. Not wolf. I replied to her look but flipping her the bird. She looked shocked then angry, she smiled at me eviling and then faced foward. "Sir, I do belive that the new girl, just swore at me, She's clearly jelious of my intelligence"

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