"I doubt it was that bad, he probably just got a bit of scolding for it," Tony interjects.

"Nope, Odin gave him fifty lashes, He told Loki the importance of our realm comes before family, Loki told him something very rude and inappropriate for a prince to say to a king, at least that was what Grandma told me when I heard what was said. She told me if she ever caught me saying that I would be locked in my room for a month!"

"What the hell! Fifty lashes because he was worried about his daughter! I don't want to know what they're doing to him right now in Asgard from what he's done this time." Tony exclaims.

"Really Tony can you not watch what you're saying?" Steve says exasperated.

"Okay! Parfait done here Luna, how about you go sit down at the table with Natasha and Clint?" Bruce says handing me my food.

"Really you're sitting her near Clint?" Tony says.

"Hey I may not be fond of her dad but that doesn't mean I would try and hurt her, she's just a little kid!" Clint interjects angrily.

I go sit right between Clint and Natasha, they give me a weird look before going back to their breakfast. I look over at each of their plates and see the same thing, a small serving of eggs, toast and bacon.

"Why aren't you two eating a lot like the others?" I ask digging into my own food.

"We are agents we need to stay in shape to fight the bad guys." Natasha tells me.

"Like my Daddy," I say sadly.

"No not like your dad, we talked about it last night after you went to bed, we don't think he was completely in control. He took control of my mind while he was here, and the symptoms are kind of the same, so we believe something the same happened to him," Clint reassures me.

"So my Daddy's a good guy?"

"I di-"

"Yes Luna your daddy is a good guy, one of the best," Natasha interjects before Clint could say whatever he was saying.

I finish the rest of my food pretty quickly, "Can we play a game?"

"What kind of game?" Natasha asks.

"Well daddy and I used to play chest a lot, can you play chest with me?"

"No you wouldn't want to play with Tasha she's probably the best in the world. Let's see how you do against the rest of us first," Clint suggests getting up and heading for the elevator. "Come on we can go play in the game room."

We all pile into the elevator and they show me the game room. My eyes go wide in awe, there was so much stuff in here! Screens from the first room I was in were all over the walls surrounded by couches and chairs. The middle of the room was dedicated to games that you would play on what looked like different types of tables. There was this one corner that had a bunch of smaller tables that you could play board games at, with comfortable chairs that felt like beads when I sat down.

"Ready Luna? You go first."


It takes me exactly ten minutes to beat Clint. After that I beat Steve in five, Tony in eight, Bruce in seven, and then all that was left was Natasha. She sits down in front of me and we start. She lets me go first, the game was one of the hardest I had ever played, usually I had my Daddy talking to me about when I make a stupid move and what I should have done. This time it was completely silent. It took us thirty minutes to finish the game even then it was close, but I came out the winner!

"Okay so when she's in school we are so signing her up for chest," Tony says breaking the silence that had come over the room from the shock of Natasha loosing.

"Natasha you just lost to a five year old!" Clint says busting out laughing, which Tony joins in at the look on Natasha's face from Clint's comment.

"You should play against my Daddy, he's impossible to beat! I only have once and I think he let me because it was my birthday."

"Tell us more about your dad Luna, what's he like?"

"Daddy is amazing, one time he asked if he could take me to see the elves, but Odin said no, Daddy took me anyways. I loved it, Daddy is friends with the Queen so we got to stay in the castle! I got to see a lot of magic there, the queen also made me a knife! Daddy won't let me use it without him there though, he doesn't want me to hurt myself. There was this one time when he took me to see Sleiphnir and he let me ride him! I fell off though, Sleiphnir felt so bad! The next day after I got out done with the healer I got to spend the night out in the stables with him, Daddy was there of curse to make sure I wouldn't get hurt again. Every time he and Uncle Thor would go off on a mission for the All-Father Daddy would bring me back a present! Daddy would also read me to sleep, oh and he would always be singing! He wouldn't let the servants in his quarters so he would do all the cleaning himself and he would go around the quarters singing while he did it."

"Why wouldn't he let servants into his quarters?" Natasha asks.

"He didn't want them to mess with anything, Daddy liked to make sure everything was in its place and done the way he liked it."

"So Loki's OCD," Tony says with a smile. "Wait...Loki sings?"

"Yah Daddy loves to sing, he knows a lot of different songs in a lot of different languages."

"That's not something I would see your dad doing, I wouldn't see him cleaning either."

"Daddy just likes to do things his way."

"Anyone hungry? It's getting to be around lunch time." Bruce says looking at something in his hand.

"Yes! Can we have sandwiches?"

"Sure what kind do you like?"

"Um daddy used to put cheese in bread and use his magic to heat it until it was melted."

"So you like grilled cheese."

"Is that what you call it?"

"Yah come on that's easy, we'll have you some made in no time," Tony says.


Video rights to Jenliciouss. Anyone else love seeing fan videos? People do a great job on these!

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