|Meet The DeAngelo's|

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We stood outside my door, I rang the doorbell and within seconds my mom was at the door. She opened it with a suprised look yet smile on her face, "Hey mom." "Hey sweetie." she then diverted her eyes to Robert..he took his hand out of his pocket, "Hello I'm Robert." he said with a warm smile, "Pleasure to meet you." my mom smiled and opened the door completely, "Well come in guys." I walked in first and Robert came in behind me, I closed the door and he gave me a nervous look..my mom went into the kitchen, and my dad and brother and sister were in the living room. I walked to the kitchen and Robert followed behind...he stood closer to the doorway and I went next to my mom. "Who is he?" she asked quietly. I took a breath, "Um, he's my drama teacher...." "Oh! Really!" she turned and looked at him with a warmer smile..."I didn't know you're her teacher, please sit down." she motioned towards the small coffe table in the kitchen and he did awkwardly. My mom walked over and sat across from him, "So what do I owe this visit to? It is Saturday." she asked questionably. He looked at me and I looked at her. "Mom......he is my uhm, boyfriend." she looked from him to me with a uneasy smile on her face, she caughed, "What was that?".."Robert is my boyfriend....we have been dating for three months now and I figured it's time he met you all."..."Uhm I don't understand." My mom said in a serious voice, "You're her teacher...isn't that illegal? Don't you think you should be with someone ummm, your own age?" my mom has always had a way of staying calm and keeping her cool. "Yes, Mrs. DeAngelo..I'm aware that I'm older then Amanda..and Im also aware that I can lose my job...but I care for her deeply...I mean no harm or disrespect towards her, honestly I think I can be better for her then some immature boy her age, she is worth losing my Job over, we are very careful about things so I doubt anyone will ever know..I know this may seem really strange to you and suspicious..but I would never hurt Amanda intentionally, I'm not some pedophile or anything like that miss." he looked her honestly in the eyes as he said it. My mom still seemed a bit uneasy..."Amanda...you're 18...no offense but you must be in your late 30's?" she said while looking at Robert..."Actually, I'm 40." he said while looking at the table..I then realised that my mom and dad are 54, "Well you certainly don't look like it." she said..Robert smiled, "Thank You." My mom sighed, "Well Amanda has never had a relationship see...and I've never been one to judge others, I've always believed love doesn't have an age limit...so if my daughter wants to be with you, then I approve." I smiled, and so did he, "Thank you." he said once again before she got up, "Well then, who's hungry?" she asked with a smile..I couldn't be more happy and relieved....but then I realised we still have to talk the rest of my family, 'oh god'. I walked towards the living room and grabbed Robert's hand..he held it tightly as we stood in the front of the living room "Dad, Charlie, Kassy....I'd like you to meet Robert, my boyfriend." My brother glanced over and then completely turned around and looked at Robert with a shocked face. My dad got up with a smile to shake Robert's hand..but once he looked at Robert's face and realised he wasn't exactly in my age group..his smile dropped and he shook Robert's hand harder then needed. But Robert kept his ground I guess he understands that my dad might not be as easy to win over. We all walked to the dinner table, Kassy sat next to Robert, and I sat on his other side, my mom, dad, and Charlie sat on the other side facing us. My mom smiled but my Dad looked a bit aggravated. Shortly after starting to eat..my brother cleared his throat, "So, Robert..what do you do for a living." I knew that Charlie was trying to intimidate him...but he doesn't know Robert like I do, he looked at Charlie dead in the eyes. "Oh, Im a Drama teacher." he said non-chalantly, my brother is such a dick, "Oh? At what school?".."Jericho Valley High School." Robert answered easily. My brother raised his eyebrows..."Ya don't say? That's something...Cus Amanda goes there."..Robert looked at Charlie, he knew what Charlie was doing too, he just nodded his head agreeing with Charlie. "Alright, so do you date all your students, or are you just stupid?" My brother said bluntly.."Charlie!" I hissed, my dad looked as if he was waiting for Robert's reply..through all the tenseness Robert didn't let them bother him and I was so happy for that. "Charlie that's enough." my mom said..Charlie laughed, "Mom, this guys is a fucking pedophile!" he said while gesturing at Robert, Roberts eyes were fixed on his spoon, and Kassy picked the worst possible time to be a kid.."Mommy, What's a pedophile?" She asked innocently...I looked at her..saving my my mom from the question.."It's a big people word ok?" she nodded and Charlie cut in, "No Kassy that's not true, a pedophile is the guy sitting next to Amanda." I glared at Charlie, "If you don't shut the fu-" My dad cut me off, "Charlie, that's enough Amanda is 18 she can see who she wants." My brother looked at my dad in awe and disgust. Robert cleared his throat, "If it means anything to you all, I just want to be clear. You can think that I'm a pedophile or some creep who goes after younger girls, but I'm not...I was drawn to Amanda because of her personality. She could be the same age as I am and I still would want to be with her..the fact that she is my student is just a small factor. The point is that yes, I am her teacher..Yes, I can lose my job..but I risk it everyday just so that I can be with her. My intentions are pure...infact I don't really have any intentions at the moment with Amanda other then to keep her happy. I treat her the way she deserves to be treated. If you don't believe me ... then I will just have to prove it to you all. I would never hurt Amanda." I looked at him and smiled as he looked at my family with a serious face. Kassy broke the silence, "You're a good guy." she said while beaming up at Robert..he chuckled and sweatly said, "Yes, I am the good guy." my mom smiled, and my brother kept his eyes on his plate, Robert looked back to my dad, and they gave eachother a head nod which was my dads signal of approval..which made Robert smile a bit.

Throughout dinner, my mom and dad...mostly my mom, asked Robert questions about his life..mainly simple stuff I already knew, I couldn't get over how cute he was..my mom had everyones plate in her hand while trying to grab all the cups to wash dishes, he quickly got up and took the plates to the kitchen for her and rinsed them..she kept telling him she would do it...but he kept saying, "What was that? Wash more? Ok."..just so cute. My brother went out, I guess he didn't want to be around here..and my dad went back into the living room, I grabbed Roberts hand and led him behind me up to my room. He fell with his arms stretched out to his side onto my bed, his voice was muffled because his face was in the covers, "Ahhhhhh, that was interesting." I walked over and sat on his bubble butt, he groaned. "I feel hyper." I said while starting to play with his hair. He pretended to snore, I smacked him and he laughed. He turned over on his back and I sat on top imof him, his hands were on my waist.."I love you." he said while looking at me, I smiled..."Likewise."..."Likewise?" he said..he raised his hand to my ribs, "Say it back."..I started to laugh, "Or what." he looked at me seriously for a second..and then stabbed his hands into my sides and tickled away, I fell over and he hovered over me, he stopped tickling and kissed my nose, "I'm gonna get going..alright." he whispered, I smiled, "Ok, why are we whispering?" "Shhh, don't question it..he smiled and kissed me once more on the lips, "I love you." I said and he smiled..I didn't want to let go but I knew I had to. I pouted and he opened my bedroom door, before disapearing from the doorway he turned and looked at me innocently..."What does pedophile mean?" he said in a high pitched voice...I started laughing and he chuckled and closed the door. It has only been about a minute since he closed that door..but I already miss his body next to mine. I sighed, and turned on the  

t.v, I layed there and I kept smiling like an idiot to myself, 'Robert Downey Jr. Im madly inlove with you.' Ha, only if I had the guts to say it to him. 


So I actually liked this chapter, sorry I haven't uploaded alot this week but weekends will definetly be when I upload the most. It's friday..WOOTWOOT, next chapter will be up around midnight or abit after. COMMENT-VOTE please&thankyou.<3 c:

I Want You... (EDITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin