Re-living the memories

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Maura's POV

As my daughter was pulling her old possessions out of the bag, i started to shake in anxiety. I knew the next thing that she was to do, was something that i wished would have been done daily, but has not been done in 16 years. I watched as she stood up and turned to the door, put her hand on the door knob and turned it to the left, pushing the door opening.

she looked into her old nursery, untouched for over 16 years, i walked up behind her really slowly and looked over her shoulder. I looked into the room that me and Bobby had created 17 years ago for our beautiful baby girl. Greg had helped paint the walls, WAIT, GREG!!! "Niall, we need to call Greg!!!" i slightly yelled upon realizing that he, nor Bobby knows about Ariana being alive, and better yet, home.

Ariana's POV

I opened the door and stood still just taking it all in. MY room, MY's all the REAL me!!! Not some fake love, fancy room cruel abducting monster. I looked around and spotted my old cot. Walking up to it, i noticed that there was a purple dummy laying abandoned beside the small pillow alongside an empty bottle that looked like it had apple juice remains or something similar in it. i walked closer to the cot that had the railing down still and a fluffy pink blanket with a sewn on teddy bear pattern hanging over the lowered rail of the white, wooded cot. I carefully placed my hands down on the rail as i felt tears slowly stream down my cheeks. 

i turned on my heels and came faced with a nursing rocking chair in the corner of the room, beside it was a walker and an abundant pile that i came to notice as a door hanging jolly jumper with a tigger rattle. Looking up, i noticed that there was a set of two white shelves filled with sets of teddy bears and ornaments you would typically find in a baby nursery. below that i saw a soft light brown rocking horse faced towards the crib. i spotted something under the crib that  caught my attention and enticed my imagination. "Hey, mum...what is that, under the cot?" I asked her, curiosity laced throughout my voice. I looked up at her, the tears still racing down my face. She looked into my eyes and slowly started to speak. "That, Ariana, is the box we were going to put objects of great meaning and importance in to create a time capsule, a time capsule that you would have opened when you were 21 years old. We were going to fill yours and Niall's on the day of your first birthday, but sadly, you were taken exactly one month before your first birthday, never to return until now..." She trailed off at the end as she started to cry. "Mum, did Niall do one?" I asked her as i walked towards her with my arms wide open ready to give her a hug. 

"Umm...yes we did one together on your shared birthday....umm, yeah" she replied sadly. I turned around after letting go of my mum and slowly walked back over to the cot and bent down. i pulled the box out and felt like there was something in it, i looked over at my mum and she told me not to open it. I moved it out if the way and saw another box behind it. i pulled that one forwards and mum walked over to me and sat down next to me. i placed the dusty box in front of me and dusted the top off with the palm of my hand. i slowly lifted the lid and placed it behind the box, looking down into the box i felt the tears spring in my eyes and once again, stream down my face. i looked over at mum and saw she was once again crying too. in the box was an old photo album, not just any photo album, but the photo album of all of the ultrasound photos and pictures from the first year before i was taken, well the first 11 months technically. how did i know this? It said it on the front.

SOOO, you guys didn't reach the goal, but... I'll be nice and give you the next chapter anyway...

Love you guys xxx can i please get 3 comments and 5 votes for the next chapter...bye :)

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