Start from the beginning

Amelia appeared in the middle of soldiers gathering and evacuating civilians and shooting aliens with their weapons in order to eliminate them off West 26th Street.  As she dodges an incoming energy beam from those Chitauri soldiers, she spins around, shooting more icicles.  Eliminating five.

She then pulls down her hood farther from her face, she sprints towards a soldier that's yelling orders to his fellow comrades.  Assuming he's the captain, and he doesn't look any older than thirty.  "Sir, need assistance?"

While keeping her head down, the captain eyed her, because of her civilian clothing.  Remember, she doesn't have one of those superhero suits, yet.  "Miss!  You must be evacuated with the others.  Follow the line!"  He barks at her, almost pulling down Amelia's hood to reveal her identity.

But she shoved the incoming hand away whilst keeping her head down.  "I insist!"

He scoffs, "and what would you do?!"

She turns around, raising her head but not loosing her hood.  Amelia walks forward towards the marching Chitauri soldiers, all aiming their energy rifles in her direction.  "MISS!  MOVE YOUR ASS OVER THAT LINE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!"  He yells, pointing at the civilian line as his soldiers watch the girl, amused.  It did remind her that he's an obnoxious one.

Smirking at the aliens, they just shrug and and started firing at her, but she dodges immediately by slamming her fists flat on the cement pavement, kneeling on one knee.  The ground starts shaking uncontrollably, but the source of the shaking is what those aliens didn't see coming. 

The whole West 26th Street then erupted holes, molten lava exploding out of them, like miniature volcanoes were formed.  The lava exploded straight on the aliens, burning and incinerating them into ashes, even the ones flying in chariots above them.  Thankfully, not a lot of the unbearable hot, and thick lava reach the innocent people behind Amelia, watching both in fear and amazement at her powerful move upon the Chitauri.

Amelia was able to manipulate the lave to sprung up into the surface, from being buried way beneath the Earth's crust.  The power of the ring and her gloves combined were that robust and powerful, that it was able to explode something buried way underneath the Earth's crust out into the daylight.  The phenomenal sighting left the captain and everyone speechless.  Hawkeye witnessed it from above at his roof, "holy shit, Amelia!"

He watched it with wide eyes as he exploded another Chitauri chariots from one of those trick arrows he shot, aiming it from behind. 

Amelia looks up towards the direction where Hawkeye is currently stationed, giving him a thumbs up ever so casually.  "And don't you even dare thumbs up, me!"  He shot another arrow assertively.

She chuckles as she turns around to her audience, their jaws gaping all the way down to the cement.  I mean that figuratively obviously, but their eyes are so wide as well.  Jogging at the captain, she reminds him one last time, "we can help as much as we can.  Now continue on what you're doing."

He looked down at her with wide eyes, "we?!  WE?!"

She giggles as she walks away to teleport once again, "you'll know one when you see one."

Freezing the wound not visibly again, she teleports.  Vanishing before their eyes with the essence of those violet mists afloat trailing her disappearance.

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