Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning


“So, what you’re saying is that each of the organisers in Eastern Europe are making money both from the immigrants, and from Sebastienne?” Clarke said slowly – at least he’d finally started listening.

“That’s right,” Jay muttered.

“So what makes you think that you can shut it down,” he sneered softly, “Sebastienne is as much of a puppet as any of the girls. You can slice him up, and the second you turn your backs, there’ll be someone new in his shoes.”

Sadly, what Clarke said was true. What they were working on destroying was the contact links with Europe – so that anyone starting fresh would need to basically work from scratch to build everything back again.

“We’re severing the links,” Nate growled, “They can step in his shoes, but it will be complete start up. For now, it’s enough to get Sebastienne off our turf.”

“Ah,so I’ve not been stuck with two pussy-whipped missionaries. Good to know.”

“You’ll do it?” Jay asked quietly, eyeing the other man with a faint tinge of respect in his gaze – something had come to pass while he was with Shannon – something had bonded them somehow.


“Sorted,” Nate clapped his hands, throwing the envelope into Clarke’s burly chest, “Take the back roads – Sebastienne has surveillance all over my woman right now.” Clarke just nodded and left with the manila tucked into his black military jacket, after pulling out the keys to the X5.

Jayden lost his composure in less than a second – panic in his eyes, “What the fuck?”

“He’s just sent her MMS, all of us last week.”

“She can come with me. Tori’s cut up as it is, she’ll need her.” Jay ran his hand irritably over the nape of his neck – worry clear on his features.

Nate nodded bleakly, just as his phone trilled in his pocket.

The number was untraceable – blocked.

Nate didn’t say a word as he put the receiver to his ear – waiting for the words he was somehow expecting.

“So ... Nathaniel Casey – legend precedes you,” the Frenchman slurred, sending chills down Nate’s spine.

“Good to hear it,” Nate drawled, “And you are?”

“That little slut never mentioned me?” Sebastienne growled.

“Little slut?” Nate feigned ignorance, pausing for a second, “Doesn’t ring any bells to be honest.”

“You know who I’m talking about!” Sebastienne screamed, and Nate heard him thump something solid in the background.

“Steady – don’t have an aneurism,” he mocked.

“You’ve taken something that belongs to me!” he growled, “Don’t be expecting to get away with it you little cunt!”

Nate’s skin bristled at the words – his skin itching and burning hearing another man claim his woman, even in a sadistic I want to tie you down and rape you kind of way, but he kept his cool demeanour regardless.

“Your wallet or something? I think I’d have remembered that...”

“She belongs to me!” Again with the thumping – this prick really had no reign on his temper.

“Really?” Nate cocked his head to the side as if this prick was standing in the room with them, “She never even mentioned your name! Mine, on the other hand, she fucking screams it!”

To his barely suppressed amusement, Nate heard Sebastienne’s deep breaths – the struggle he was having to hold himself in check.

“You know you’re fucked right now Casey,” he muttered, “I’m about the only one that can get you off that hook. We have things to discuss – I want you in my club tonight.”

“I’m not into blind dates.”

“Listen to me, Casey...”

“No, you listen to me little boy, you’re not much more than a fucking runner – and listen to yourself? You think you have any control over anything?”

There was a pause, before Sebastienne started to snigger down the line softly.

“I have control over her though, boy. You come to me, or I come for her.”

The line went dead, and without thinking grabbed the keys for his R8 and sped out of the driveway.

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