But one surely knows, and that one is Hiccup.

He and his friends are our daily costumers. They come here everyday.

So that means, everyday hiccup asks for free food from me. Typical Hiccup.

I was in the middle of a discussion in my head but it was ended when I got startled because someone tapped my shoulder.

My eyes widened when I saw him. He just smiled. "Can I have a bottle of water?" He asked.

I went straight to the mini fridge to get a bottle. I was about to give it to him but it fell off my hand.

I smiled nervously as he laughed. "Here." I said quickly handing it to him while hiding my blush. He smirked.

"Thanks." Jacob smiled.

After that he went back their table. He was with his mom, sister and brother. And also sharing their table is my mom and brother.

Our mothers chatted as they just watch them. After serving the costumers' orders mom called me to go to them.

I just awkwardly stared at them as I listen to their conversation.

"Yes, very nice indeed." Mrs. Overland told my mom. And their topic, me. "Elsa you're so nice to help out your cousin." She smiled. I just smiled back.if only you know why I'm here Mrs. Overland.

"Jacob why don't you also work on your aunt's?" His mother nudged his arm.

"Yeah, sure." He said smirking at me. I just kept sitting there awkwardly.

-the day after-

"You're gonna miss me when I'm gone." Ethel and I sang in unison as I flipped the cup. We both laughed when it fell.

I quickly grabbed it and set it down. "So, Ferris wheel?" She asked. I shooked my head. "I'm afraid of heights." I said shyly.

Well, not really that afraid of heights. Let's just say I can stay of the fifth floor of a building but when I get close to the edge my knees will automatically shake. But I enjoy the view on high places.

As long as I don't look down.

"Horror train?" She asked again. And again, I shook my head "no". What? I'm a scaredy cat.

"How about roller coaster?" I suggested. I know, weird suggestion.

"Cherry! Can Elsa and I go to the carnival?" Ethel stormed off to the kitchen to talk to Cherry. "Just one ride I promise!" I heard her say.

And not long she came to me grinning like a pyscho while clapping. "She said yes. But after the ride she said we should go back so we can help after." She said pulling my hand.

It's actually the time of day when almost everyone is so busy, and that time of day is our breaktime.

So that's why Ethel was trying to find a way to get her mind off of things.

-after the ride-

"Race you back the Asian Delights." She smirked. I just raised my eyebrow. Doesn't she ever get tired or anything? I barely survived the ride! "3...2....go!" She ran.

I was about to run when someone went pass me causing me to stop. I glared at the guy. And just around the corner I saw a familiar face. Or maybe I was seeing things.

I began trying to regain my consciousness from that "ride of a lifetime" Ethel dragged me to (well, I dragged myself to).

Okay, 3.... 2...... 1.....

"Sorry." I told the girl who began cursing. Hey I said sorry.

Gosh I am so clumsy I stepped on a person's foot! Ugh I hate myself!

"You know you should look where you're going." I heard someone say.

"At least I said sorry. And it clearly was an accident." I glared. He just chuckled.

"Clumsy girl." Jack pinched my cheek. I groaned and slapped his hand. What?it hurts.

"What are you doing here?" I raised my eyebrow. "What? Am I not allowed here now?" He smirked.

"I didn't say anything like that." I crossed my arms. "But it sounded like it." He said.

"But I st-"

"Yeah, I get it." He said. "I was just hanging with the kojou club." Kojou club?

I'm not even gonna ask.

"Roxanne and Lillian and Armand and Hiccup and Rocky, oh wait rocky's not here. So yeah, basically almost the whole kojou club." He nodded to himself. I just raised my eyebrow. "I was with them, honest. I just don't know where they headed to after I saw you." Okay, that is weirder.

"Wait, that doesn't sound right." He muttered. Yes it doesn't. "Okay, I lost track of them when I saw what you did." I just furrowed my eyebrows.

"You know, do something like that and you don't need to run naked through my street." He laughed. "Wait what?" I asked.

"Nothing!" He said with a nervous smile. "So, why are you here?" He said clearly changing the subject.

"Well, I rode the roller coaster with Ethel and...." shoot. I almost forgot. I bit my lower lip before continuing. "I gotta go to-"

"Asian delights?" He continued. I just gave him a "how-did-you-know" look. "Name tag." He pointed. I just looked and smiled nervously.

"Wait." He pinched my nose. "Ow." I glared and he just laughed.

"You know I feel like blowing all my cash on you. Like, buy you anything till I'm broke." He said massaging his chin to look like he's thinking. "What?" I laughed at his randomness.

"Nothing. I just wanted to see you smile." He smirked.

Don't blush Elsa, don't blush.

"Yeah whatever. I'll be going now. Au revoir!" I said walking.

"Wait." He called. What now? Don't tell me he's gonna pinch my cheeks again. I just tilted my head to his direction.

"Just don't forget to smile."


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