2: Vervain

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The bell echoed through the halls as I slipped into my first period. I hurry to my seat, sitting frantically and pulling my books out. I have English now and we're just reading Fahrenheit 451. I turn to the page where I left off and began to read about Montag planning to destroy civilization.

All of a sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder. Confused, I turn around and see her.

Sarah Vervain.

She was not only the most popular girl at Neeson High School, but the prettiest, smartest, nicest, and most sociable. Her curly brown hair laid on her sun-kissed skin which made her ocean blue eyes call your name and distract you from anything.

Why was she talking to me? Or even acknowledging me. I am the Jack Frost of this school.

I cock my eyebrow, gesturing for her to continue.

"May I borrow a pencil? I seemed to have left mine in my locker," she said in her light British accent. She moved to America in 5th grade. I remember when she was in my class...

"Uh, yeah, sure..." I stutter as I stumble to reach for my pencil case and pull out a sharp pencil. I make sure it is perfect before turning around and handing it to her.

"Thanks," she says with her beautiful smile. I smile grimly and turn back around to face front, my heart beating a mile a minute. You would think a race horse was training inside of my chest. Why am I so freaked out? Oh, right, it's Sarah freaking Vervain.

I stand up to go to the front where the teachers desk is and ask to use the restroom. She says to hurry up seeing as the bell is about to ring. I nod and scurry out of the classroom.

I walk into the bathroom and lean over the sink. Why do I feel like this? My lungs are about to crawl up my esophagus and jump out of my mouth. I'm out of breath and can still feel my heart beating. Anne, I think to myself, get a hold of yourself, it's just Sarah Vervain.

Once I gain composure, I dust myself off and quickly get back to class. I see that the bell is going to ring in a few minutes so I pack all my things except my copy of Fahrenheit 451, for I want to get in a few more paragraphs. I open the book and a piece of torn notebook paper falls down on my desk.

I pick it up and it has neat handwriting, written in pencil, that said,

"Thanks for the pencil. Call me sometime xxx"

And a phone number scrawled underneath. Right as I finish reading, I see a pencil being handed to me. I look up and it's Sarah. I take the pencil and she smiles and winks. The bell rings and she waltzes out of the classroom.

The note was from the Sarah Vervain?!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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