Epilogue - Finally the Sun

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Later that night, I woke up in his arms and as I looked through the opening in roof of the cave I saw no stars. But I didn't care that the night was dark, the stars were all inside me.

I was Wanda, the human. I was Wanderer, the Soul. Now I was also a wife. And Ian loved them all.

I looked at him smiling in his sleep, having some beautiful dream. Maybe about me. So I expected. No, I was sure it was about me. I wanted to dream too, so I closed my eyes knowing that no matter how long it rained, nor how dark was the night. The Sun now illuminated me from inside out. For as long as we lived.

I'm so sorry for how long it took me to update this. I was sure I had published the whole story, but I was mistaken.  Also sorry for the mistakes. As I said, English is not my native language and I had no beta reader to correct my writing. Hope you have liked it anyway. If that's the case, let me know. As soon as can, I will publish two of my other stories in English: one with Sunny's POV and the other with Ian's. Hope I can count on you.

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