Chapter 5 - With Jamie

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I was still immersed in that memory when I was brought back to the present by Lily saying goodbye. Mel and Jared had already left several minutes ago, but not before she threw me an inquiring glance. I ran away from her eyes and even more from Jared's, who looked from me to Ian, his eyes full of mixed emotions. I couldn't deal with it today, so I took refuge in memories until everyone had gone, except for Jamie and Lily, who stayed a little longer to arrange a football match with Ian, now that people was vacating the games room. She left smiling and I was deeply pleased to see that scene. Lily smiled very little lately, but she was gradually returning to what she was. On that day of sorrow, she had asked me what sense did it make that love and life continued. I did not know. But when I saw her smiling and looked at Ian and Jamie at my side, I could imagine an answer.

Jamie had stretched himself on the kitchen's bench next to me and laid his head in my lap. Now he was yawning and awkwardly standing around to give me a goodnight hug. Sleepy as he was, he forgot himself a little longer there with me, resting his body in my arms. His right hand had extended to the side of my head touching Ian's shoulder. Ian was right behind me and his right hand rounded the other side of my head and also reached Jamie's back, while his left one rested on the curve of my waist. Knowing that Jamie's family was growing, that there was someone else who would do anything to protect him, and being there between the two of them was the most sublime happiness I ever had and my eyes filled with that emotion. Before I collapsed in tears and left them think there was something wrong with me, I pulled myself together and said "Good evening, Jamie. Sleep well, dear."

"Good night, Wanda. Good night, Ian".

"Good night, kid."

Our embrace was then undone and Jamie quickly disappeared through the halls, not looking like someone who, just moments ago, was practically asleep in my arms. Ian was still behind me, still with his hand on my waist. Without saying anything, I also left through the dark with him by my side, every part of me conscious of the hand that touched me, of the arms surrounding me and of the clear horizon opened before me in those dark and familiar hallways.

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