Temari whacked him lightly. "Gaara's still Kazekage idiot!" Kankuro grabbed his head with a pout. Temari leaned down to Gaara. "How are you feeling?" Her voice was shaky, showing she was suppressing her urge to most likely cry. Gaara didn't answer but instead tried to stand. He trembled in this action, making Temari rest her hands on him. "Don't! You're not back at full heath yet."

A random ninja in the crowd sniffed loudly. "This is great... I was so worried Gaara-sama might actually die..." In a flash the poor ninja was surrounded by fangirls. "NO WAY GAARA-SAMA WOULD DIE THAT EASILY!!" They screamed throwing punches at him. I flinched, looking at the poor ninja being pummeled. "Worse than the fangirls back in Konoha." I mumbled to myself, inching away from the scene before anything could happen to me.

"Oh right, I guess I'm still just a Genin... Without any fangirls..." A sulking Naruto murmured staring at the fangirls. Kankuro patted him on his back. "Eh, girls will always be weak at the knees for the cool silent type." Naruto crossed his arms. "No kidding."  "Really? Is that so?" I asked with an eye brow raised and a light smirk. Kankuro's and Naruto's eyes widen, forgetting that I was standing right by them. "Uhh!... Hey, wait! What happened to your arms!?" Kankuro pointed at me, changing topic. "Uhh... The fake one was blown off and my other was kind of... Snapped? Broken? I don't know yet..." I gave a light chuckle, wanting to scratch my neck or head but my arm was throbbing in pain as my adrenalin wore off.

Kankuro gave me a plain stare along with Naruto when the cheers for Gaara caught his ear. He glanced back to Gaara, then us, a little grin hanging off his lips. "By the way, thanks." Naruto shook his head and pointed. "Nah thank Granny!" I followed his direction to see Sakura holding Chiyo and Chiyo's brother looking down with sad eyes. "She's past out but I'm sure she'll be up in no time-"  "Naruto, Chiyo gave her life to bring Gaara back.” My voice came as a light whisper, breaking the news of her death lightly for him. Naruto looked shocked, his mouth hung open for a few seconds quietly until words poured out. "What do are talking- What do you mean!?"  "The jutsu she used was Ninjutsu; Tensei Ninjustu to be exact."

Chiyo's brother laughed, gaining attention from us. "I keep expecting her to pop awake 'I'M PLAYING DEAD'  .....But that peaceful expression she wears, it fits her well." Sakura looked to be fighting back tears, supposedly becoming very close to Chiyo in their time together. "It does," she agreed with those tiny words. Slowly and steady Gaara brought himself fully up and walked out infront of Chiyo. "...Everyone please bow your heads in silence for Chiyo-sama." And down everyone's head went including mine.

A couple of minutes pasted when talking arose again. "Akisha, your arms?" Came Neji's voice, the rest of team Gai with him and confusion on their faces. Tenten titled her head at my arms. "Yeah.. I don't think it's normal to be missing an arm and have one all twisted like that." I shrugged, trying to escape from the topic nonchalantly. "I can fix the missing one with a brand new arm, maybe I'll make it metal this time, paint it over my skin tone, puppet building really is a nice hobby, you all should look into it, Neji you might find it quite relaxing-"

Sakura got up leaving Chiyo in the hands of her brother and interrupted my pitiful ramblings. "Oh yeah, I should fix that!" She ran over making my eyes open in fear. "N-NO! I'LL BE FINE!" I slightly hid myself behind Gaara making fangirls glare. Sakura face palmed at my behavior like a mother would to her child refusing medicine. "Are you really scared of me healing your broken arm?" I took a deep breath leaving Gaara and meeting Sakura.

"Sakura... Listen, it's not you, it's me." An vein throbbed in anger on her forehead, making it seem larger than ever. "I KNOW THAT!" I chuckled with a closed eye smile. "Great!" And then I ran.

Or at least tried, until Sakura grabbed my hood of the hoodie in her fist. "Neji keep her still while I heal her." She ordered, voice going serious yet still with annoyance hinted in tone.

The Passing Cloudsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें