Chapter Two

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~( Steve's P.O.V ) ~
I looked down at the note she passed me at the cafe 'New York Arts Academy meet me at the front of the school at 3:20 k. ~A'
I smiled at the note we could be the best of friends or maybe more.
~~~~time skip ~~~~
The next morning
~( America's P.O.V ) ~
I woke up happy as ever knowing that my favorite superhero was going to pick me up today after school. So i hurry up, make coffee for my mom and I. then i ate a banana. Then got dressed in skinny jeans and an American flag t-shirt grabbed my book bag and went out the door speeding to get to the bus stop. Here's the bus I get onto it and sit in the back seat then my phone starts ringing shoot to thrill by ACDC my default ringtone 'Unknown number' huh I answered the phone and this comes out 'Hey Ms.America' then all of a sudden everyone starts freaking out and shouting 'look out your window' I did what he asked and looked out the window and he was there flying in his iron man suit 'Tony what the hell''hey what about a ride I go faster than that bus your in''yeah sure why not' "excuse me miss can you stop here someone offered me a ride " I asked the bus driver "yeah sure no problem" so then she stopped I got my phone and my book bag and stepped out and whistled Tony then came up behind me and took me up bridal style up in the air "SHIT Tony what the hell man!"I yelled." What you said you wanted a ride. So where to?" "New York Arts Academy please" "Wait you go there?"He asked. "Yeah why?"I asked giving him a confused face "Do you take science class with Ms . Harts?" He asked me again." Yeah why ?" I answered " Oh man am I going to make fun of you today!"He said leaving me plain out confused "wha-" "We're here " he said putting me down." Now get to class you have ten minutes " English what a joy passed that class math passed it as well ah good science and then history so i enter I go sit on my seat and then a group of people came over towards me "uh hey guys what's up" "what's up are you kidding me you had a ride with Tony Stark the iron man and pass it off as if it's nothing I bet you don't even know the entire crew by their real names " says a teenage boy in the crowd. Then some one cleared there throat every one separated from me and back to their seats seeing the principal Mr. Smith "Hello class now I have some news to share with you all " he started 'please don't be a substitute please don't be a substitute'." There has been a problem with Ms. Harts she is now unavailable and is in the hospital so you now have a substitute. Well... actually two " he finished. Then came in Tony Stark and Bruce Banner oh thank God Bruce is here so he could defend me wait isn't he the hulk oh shit he has to control his temper today he might hulk out. " Hey America what's up, blueberry."Tony said offering me a blueberry. " Hey America didn't know you were in this class." "I see you are still in the I love captain America phase." "Tony do me a favor." "Sure." "Shut up!" right now this day is full of surprises you know." " Well class ,today we're making a lie detector serum but first I have to take a look and see what you can do America your first" ' Shit shit shit what am i gonna do' "yeah sure "I then started putting in a bunch of chemicals together in a bunsen burner and when i showed it to Tony and Bruce they stood confused about it then Tony asked "water?" "No sir. A chemical that is used to tell human and animal feelings and can be used as a lie detector of sorts."I explained."look."I went up to Tony "do you have a group name for Bruce and yourself?" "Yes. Science Bros." The serum turned green signaling that it was true "A. Definitely an A." Bruce answered 'yes wait how did I know that .weird'
~~~~time skip~~~~
"And the only A belongs to America congrats buddy! The rest of you are a disgrace to me!" He came up to me and hugged me "Don't you dare put that 'kick me' post it note Tony or I swear to god I might just kill you." "No you wouldn't you love me to much.but I have one question how did you know about the post it note" he asked "You mentioned making fun of me , your finger is sticky from the post it note and you have ink on your pointer finger." How the hell did i know that. "Yeah... I'm going to go to history now bye guys see you later."
~( Steve's P.O.V ) ~
'2:21 p.m' just fifty nine minutes left . I called Natasha to see if she could help me since i don't have a car, luckily she answered with a 'yes'. I shaved , combed my hair and put on a fitted shirt with cargo shorts and put on a cologne ,brushed my teeth, and put on my Jordans. (Clothes and cologne courtesy of Tony if you were wondering :) .) 30 minutes left, there was a knock on the door almost breaking it "coming coming" I yelled running to the door looking at the peephole 'Natasha' I opened the door and let her come in." God Natasha you almost broke the door. " "Yeah sorry about that hey do you have coffee." She asked. "Yeah sure be right back with the coffee." Okay ten minutes left "Here you go Nat. You know we should get there now it's all most time." I told her. "Yeah sure where to exactly?" "New York Arts Academy it's to pick up America"
~~~~time skip~~~~
I held on to my seat for dear life this woman is fast." We're here." A second early a bunch of high schoolers came out . Nat drove up to a group of students. "Hey fellas can you point me to America's direction please " she asked. " She's by the door. Miss" replied a boy from the group.
~~~~time skip~~~~
~ ( America's P.O.V ) ~
I was waiting by the door suddenly I felt someone squeeze my butt."Hey beautiful." I heard a masculine voice say I didn't have to turn around to know that it was my ex Neal with his friends. " What do you want Neal?" I asked him annoyed by his presence. "You really want to know? ... You." He then kissed me. I pushed him off. "WHAT THE HELL NEAL!"I screamed at him he then kissed me again but more forcefully "get off!" Then someone pulls him off easily. It was Steve. "You cheated on me I left you and you come back. Your mad besides I already have a boyfriend. Thanks Steve."I go up to Steve and hug him and I whispered to Steve "play along." "What. What the hell does he have that I don't, America."he said almost yelling. "Let me name them he's nice a gentleman, and doesn't go behind his girlfriend's back and cheat on her oh and so much more." I tell him and kiss Steve's cheek. "Guys what happened. Ame you okay." I turn around and see Natasha and Tony. "What the hell is this you got new friends is that it look at you with the playboy billionaire and the redhead as well as the blond bodybuilder all we need is another to come."his British accent strong. " Hey America nice job back there." Bruce tells me walking out the door "uh oh something happened right wait... what happened?" He asked. "I found him on her forcefully kissing her." Steve says really pissed about it . " Hey you okay wait is that cologne." " Yeah. " "I like it. " " whatever i have better things to do come on guys. " "Hey guys do you hear that it sounds like huge wings." Nat pointed out i look up and see Caine and Jupiter flying together in circles he has his wings and she her flying boots landing in front of us "-you know next time I go back to my alcazar I don't want the dresses and bring me the black uniform I wore my first time there remember." " Hey jupe how was Oroas Caine put the coat back on." " Hey something wrong. " " No." " Hey I may be earth's queen but I know when something is wrong now tell me." She demanded. "Ughhhhhh fine Neal tried to make up with me again." " AGAIN" I slightly flinched as Caine screamed. " That goddamn son of a -" " Language!" "So i may have kept a bit of information from you. Jupiter is earth's queen and Caine is a sky jacker which explains the wings and..." I started playing 'this girl is on fire' and Leo came running out "this girl is on fireeeeeee! " and lit up in flames "Leo is a demigod that can light up on fire. Mikayla is a guard for a king and Tyson is another demigod son of posiedon" I tell them.

~~~~time skip~~~~

~( Steve's P.O.V )~
I can't believe it, She kissed me and said she liked my cologne and she's a fan of me and has superhuman friends." Wait what about you don't you have some power too. " I asked. " Nope I'm just a really lucky girl to have all of you by my side . By the way Steve thank you so much for helping me out back there I really appreciate it. "She says and kisses my cheek. " No problem America. " " Hey guys what if you guys work at sheild" " Yeah America got an A in science today she could work in the lab and the rest can work as field agents." " Yeah I like that idea. " " And you guys can live in Stark tower!" Tony says " I like that idea " I tell " Yeah more girls in the house "Nat said " Sure sounds good. " Bruce says "Yeah sure" they say ." Good to know I'll tell Jarvis to make four rooms and make them to your likings so I'll search you up on my files and see okay I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. " "Awesome."

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