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You sighed as you realized summer vacation was coming to an end and school was starting soon. You laid on your bed, staring at the ceiling. A few weeks ago, your parents said they sighed up to be a host family for a foreign exchange student. They only did that because your older brother left for college and they were having empty nest syndrome, even though you were still there. You were excited to meet them and wondered if you would even get along or not. Either way, you were getting anxious and curious since today the student was coming. When your parents were explaining to you who it was, you weren't really paying attention. All you got from that was that the student's name was Seokmin and he or she was from South Korea. You didn't catch if it was a boy or girl. You were hoping it was a girl so you could do girly things together since you've never had a sister. Your mom went to pick Seokmin up from the airport and left you and your dad to finish cleaning the house. 

"(Y/n)! I can't do this by myself you know!" Your dad called. You sighed and got up and went to the kitchen. "Wipe down the counters and set the table please while I finish cooking dinner." He said. 

"Ooh, are you making chicken alfredo?" You asked, looking at the stove. 

"Yup, I know it's your favorite." 

"Yay!" When you finished your tasks, you suddenly had the urge to make a good impression on Seokmin. You went to your room to freshen up. You took your hair out of the two low buns you had it in which created nice loose curls. You combed it with your fingers to separate your hair a little. After, you changed out of your lounge clothes and into shorts and a crop top. Since it was cold in your house from the AC, you put on a long knit cardigan that stopped at the back of your knees. Then you put on some light makeup and sprayed a little bit of perfume. You heard the garage open which meant that your mom and Seokmin was here. Your heart pounded a little as anxiety made your stomach flip. 

"(Y/n)! Come here please!" You took a deep breath and went out to meet them. When you turned the corner, you expected to see a sweet looking girl, but instead, it was completely different. Your eyes met with a boy your age. He was tall, had soft-looking brown hair and a huge smile plastered on his face. "(Y/n), this is Seokmin, he'll be here with us for a while. Seokmin, this is my daughter (y/n), and my husband." Your heart skipped a beat when he smiled at you and put his hand out for you to shake. You smiled shyly and shook his hand. His hands were big and masculine, yet surprisingly soft. You looked down and played with the hem of your cardigan. "(Y/n), show Seokmin to his room and where everything is." Your mom said. You looked back up and raised your eyebrows. 

"O-okay." You helped Seokmin bring his suitcases to your brother's old room where he'll be staying. "This was my brother's room, you'll be sleeping here." You said.

 "Oh yeah, your mom said he left for college." He said. It was the first time you heard him speak. His voice was smooth like honey. 

"Y-yeah. Anyway, the bathroom is across the hall, right there." You pointed to the door. "My room is next door and my parents is down the hall, in case you ever need something." You nervously played with the ends of your hair. "Are you hungry?" You asked. 

"Yes, very. The plane ride was really long." He said, grinning. 

"Okay, well dinner is almost done, so I'll let you settle in and you can come back down whenever you're ready." 

"Thank you (y/n)." He said. The way he said your name gave you goosebumps. You simply nodded and avoided eye contact as you exited the room and closed the door behind you. You quietly ran to your room, closing the door and slid down to the floor. You took a deep breath and tried to calm your heart.

 "He's so cute." You whispered. You grabbed the pillow you tossed across the room that was near you and stuffed your face into it and rolled around, kicking your legs but trying to be quiet. After you contained yourself, you quickly went over to the mirror and fixed your hair and clothes then slowly opened the door. You walked out and past the bathroom when the door suddenly opened. It scared you and made you hit your elbow on the wall. You winced and grabbed it. "Ah!" Seokmin looked surprised.

 "Are you okay?" He asked, grabbing your elbow to look at it. 

"I'm fine." You said, blushing. 

"Kids, dinner is ready!" Your dad yelled. 

"Uh, let's go eat." You said, quickly walking away from Seokmin. The food was set on the table and you sat in your usual spot. Seokmin followed behind you and your mom told him to sit next to you which was your brother's usual seat. Dinner was kind of awkward, at least to you it was. Your parents talked to Seokmin and asked him questions about himself and his hometown in Korea. You just stayed quiet and listened. After dinner, you started stacking the dishes in the dishwasher and Seokmin came in. 

"Do you need any help?" He asked. 

"Um, no, it's okay. You don't have to-" 

"Please, let me." He came over and helped you. You smiled shyly. 

"Thanks." You said. He gave you his big smile, his eyes practically disappeared as he did. You blushed and looked away. "Um, do you need any help un-packing?" You asked. 

"Actually, that would be great, thank you." You both went back up to his room and and set his smallest suitcase on the floor and opened it. It wasn't full of clothes, but random items. 

"What is all this?" You asked. 

"Just things from my room at home, so I don't get home sick." He said. 

"Ah." You picked up some pictures of him and what you guess to be his family. "Who's this?" You asked, holding up a picture of him and a blonde boy. 

"That's my best friend Soonyoung. He was really sad when I said I was going abroad for a year." You grinned at the goofy faces they made. You set the pictures down on the dresser and arranged them neatly. 

"So, do you have a girlfriend back home?" You asked. Your eyes widened because the words just slipped from your mouth without a second thought. He laughed. 

"No, I don't. Do you have a boyfriend?" You shook your head. 

"No." You helped him until all his stuff was unpacked and you stood up. 

"Well that's everything. Thank you." He said. 

"No problem." He suddenly yawned. "Are you sleepy?" You asked. He nodded. 

"The plane ride was really long and I didn't get any sleep." He said. "Oh, well I'll leave you be so you can get some rest." 

"Alright, I'll see you in the morning then." He said. 

"Right, goodnight." You went to your room and hopped face first on your bed. You started squealing and kicking your legs again. "He's cute, single, and living with me for a year?! This should be fun."

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