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"Hey Sam. Can I talk to you?" I ask him peeking my head through my door. He nods his head and I come in.

"I'm going with Brooke to see her family in Miami. And I'm trusting you to watch the house. Just check the mail and etc. You don't have to stay here." I say.

"Yeah. I won't do anything. How long are you gonna be gone?"

"Just a week." He nods his head. I kiss him on the cheek and take my suitcase downstairs. I check the time and wait for Brooke.

"About time." I say to her. She just fakes laugh. "Sam can you take us to the airport." I ask. He nods his head.

I give Sam a hug and he waves bye. After we go through security and everything our flight is called. Here we go again.

-The Next Morning-

I hear a knock on the door and hear someone talking. I open my eyes and sit up. "Good Morning Logan."

"Good Morning Mrs. Montgomery." I tap Brooke and she gets up. "What?" She says. "I bought you guys some breakfast."

"Thank you." I take the bag and grab my food and hand it too Brooke. She smiles at us and leaves.

After I get done eating I go brush my hair and put it in a messy bun. "Brooke have you seen my toothbrush?" I look at her and she says no. Damn. Where did I put?

I look through my suitcase some more and find. I brush my teeth and find something to wear. I take out some white jean shorts and a gray tank top.

I change into my outfit and put on my vans. "Brooke! Logan! Come down here please." I grab my phone and walk downstairs. Brooke's parents and two brothers are dressed.

"Where are we going?" Brooke ask. "Your father wants to go out to eat and then go watch a movie." She says. "Let's go."

I walk out to her car and she follows her dad. "What do you wanna watch?" I ask her. "We can go watch Paper Towns." "Okay." (I loved Paper Towns. The ending was disappointing though.)

We arrive at a Mexican restaurant. We all order and talk about California. "Hows California?" "It's great." Me and Brooke say at the same time. I laugh a little and see our food coming.

After we get done with eating we go to the movies. Brooke's little brothers go watch the minions with her dad. Her mom comes with us.

Brooke buys the tickets and we go to
the theater. During the middle of the movie my phone starts going off like crazy. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom.

The same person has been tweeting me. I look through the notifications. All I see is "Sam has been a naughty boy." With a picture too it.

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