Chapter 59

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Vanessa p.o.v

I woke up felt arms around me but i got up took a shower put on sweats and tank top and went and grabbed the kids and went to my sisters house

Janelle p.o.v

This morning I got up an took s shower I put on leggings an a tank top , but Kenzie was still sleep but Vanessa was coming over



Why would he do this to me

Starts crying

Sissy don't worry about it , Elijah is being a ass so I'm pretty mad at Elijah

Why would he do that he has 4 kids , we are married, I just had vannah why

That's something you have to talk to Dj about I mean me an Elijah got 2 kids an he still being dumb

Can you watch the kids while i go talk to him


Thanks sissy


Vanessa p.o.v

Um dj can you come here

Yea wassup

Please tell me you were drunk when this happened

I was

Well can i get a hug

Yes and baby I promise i will never do that again


Janelle p.o.v

I hope that Vanessa n Dj make up but I'm still pissed at Elijah



Are you still mad bout last night

No Duhh

Janelle it isn't that fucking serious

Ok whatever Elijah then leave me alone if it ain't that serious damn

Where you going


No , where you going !


Im not moving until you tell me where you going

Can you move

Man whatever bye


Vanessa p.o.v

So i went to go get the kids from my sister house since me amd dj made up but he had to deal with the kids all day tomorrow cause im going to the gym , spa amd get my nails done than go home

Janelle p.o.v

So Vanessa came to get the kids but I was in the pool an they were sleeping Bc Elijah sure knows how to make me mad

Baby im sorry


Okay , im going to pick sum up to eat , do you want anything ?


Mm okay

Bye , as I went to go wake Kenzie up

Mommy , I still sleepy

Go get in my bed n stretch out

Okay mommy , come with me to sleep

Alright come on


So I went to sleep with Kenzie till I heard the door open but I just stayed asleep

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