We are standing right in front of them and I get a boost of confidence, "Hey Adam. Who's your friends?"

"This is Gabriel," he gestures to the golden haired short guy, "and this, is Castiel."

Castiel looks up at me and I'm yet again glued to the spot. He looks like he's either terrified or nervous. Castiel continues to stare at me and I figure he's probably sizing me up or something. "Hey, Blue eyes. You gonna stare all day or say somethin'?" Sam nudges me. I know he thinks I'm being a dick.

"Hello, Dean." The way he says it makes my heart melt. His voice sounds like liquid sex. My eyes almost flutter closed at the sound of it. This was not what I expected. His voice is deep, low, rugged, and gravelly.

Sam was still staring at Gabriel and he was just standing there smirking, "Hiya Sammy."

"It's Sam. But since you're cute I suppose I can let it slide." Sam was flirting.

"Hey Adam, can I talk to you. In private." We walk over to an area next to them where no one else is.

"What's this about?" Adam questions me.

"Are you and Castiel a thing? Like are you together." I ask. I'm not beating around the bush with this.

"No. Although I wouldn't mind it. Why?" Adam is starting to piss me off.

"No reason." I answer a little to quickly. I look over at Castiel and he is smiling at something my brother said. He looks so cute when he smiles.

"You like him." Adam guesses. He knows.

"Fine. Yes. I do like him. And I'm extremely jealous so back off. If you tell him or anyone about this I will wring your neck."

Adam smiles and chuckles, "I can't help it if he thinks I'm cute."

"Did he tell you that?" I ask. Jealousy is rising in me and I know Adam's doing it on purpose.

All he does is walk back over to Castiel and he makes a big show of taking his hand. Castiel looks confused at first, but then he looks up at Adam and smiles.

Adam looks down at him like he's his whole world. My fists clench and I don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back from punching this guy.

I walk back over there with my jaw clenched and I stop in front of the two of them. Adam gives me a smug look and I scowl at him. Castiel just looks confused.

"See you around Gabe." Sam winks at Gabriel and he turns back to me.

"Bye Cas. I hope I see you again." I say and walk with Sam back inside.

Sam is gonna get more action than me. Sam is having way better luck at this than me too. I would be in if Milligan didn't get to him first.

When we get back to our cells Sam snorts at me. "You're practically growling. Just because Adam got to Castiel first. Do what you always do, make sure Adam knows you mean business."

"I told him I wanted Cas. He basically laughed in my face and he went over there just holding Castiel's hand like he'd won a trophy. I wonder, will they still like him when they know the truth about why he's in here. I bet you anything he told them that bullshit story about his mom and needing money."

"Yeah, I've done a lot of nasty things but I would never have done what he did." After a few moments he speaks again, "I plan on swapping with Gabriel's cell mate who I believe is your wonderful Castiel. So maybe you'll have a chance to explain."

"You and Gabriel. Already?" My brother is gonna get action before me. I didn't think that'd ever happen.

"We just plan on talking and if it leads to that then it leads to that." Sam says matter of factly.

I cannot possibly wait any longer for Sam and Cas to swap. The anticipation is killing me. I'm bouncing my leg fiercely, that's what I do when I'm nervous. Sam knows this so he finally gives in, "Fine! I'll swap with him. Just quit bouncing your leg."

I glare at him and he turns to the door and asks the guards to swap. The guards don't really care who you swap with but the rules are: no fights, no stealing things from other people's cells, and the swap has to be consensual between both people in both cells. Part of me thinks Cas will say no.

Sam leaves the room and a few mintues later the door opens again. I look up to see Cas. My beautiful angel. He looks nervous. He keeps his head down and he won't look at me.

Cas sits on Sam's bed and finally looks at me, "Would you like to tell me why I'm here?"

"I- Sammy wanted to be alone with Gabriel so... he swapped with you and now you're stuck here for the night."
I explain. He gives me a look that says 'I'm completely terrified'

He swallows and noticeably stiffness, "Hey it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise." He looks like he doesn't believe me for a second, but he relaxes and looks at me straight in the eyes. Which is not something I get often.

"So, have anyone special?" Cas asks me. Is he asking me of I'm in a relationship?

"You mean if I'm in a relationship?"
He nods his head and I laugh, "Uh, no. Nor inside or out of these walls. What about you?"


"But I thought you and Adam..." He starts laughing and I feel uncomfortable.

"Me and Adam. No, I mean he's a good looking guy in all but I'd rather have him as a friend." When he says this my heart flutters.

"Yeah, it's pretty awful what he did though." I mutter more to myself then Cas.

"What? He said he robbed a bank for his mother." Cas states. Oh he's so gullible.

"Ah, he gave you the whole, 'I needed the money to save my mom who was dying from Cancer. But my old man pulled the plug."

"Is that not what happened?"

"He tells the same lie to everyone." I laugh. Cas looks at me and I just want to hug him. He looks so betrayed.

"So what did he do?"

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