Welcome to the New Age

Start from the beginning

"You were greatly injured durning your battle but my son found you in time. Felt the need to bring you back to my home, and I do not just let in random strangers." She said walking over to a seat pulling it out for the blue-eyed grace. She nodded a thank you sitting down feeling three sets of eyes on her limp body. She kept her head down, she knew they were grounders, they way they dressed, every part of her body screamed, run while you can. Yet, she felt a sense of security within the vicinity of Scarlett.

There were hushed words exchanged between two of the four grounders in the room the boy and girl looked close in age, the boy older. She glanced up, carefully speaking. "Thank you. For saving my life," the conversation ended abruptly the girl who had a bit of a blood stained cheek muttered something only the smaller boy next to her heard.

The little boy rolled his eyes before skillfully using his spoon as a sling shot hitting the girl in the middle with potatoes, in the face. Cora resisted a giggle, as the mother was quick to scold. "Kenai! Apologize."

The boy with brown curls groaned, "sorry for your inability to get over the fact that your precious boyfriend left you to fight a war which he died it."

"Oh god," the oldest boy muttered as the girl in the middle slammed her fist into the table. Words left her lips which Cora did not understand, she glanced at the older boy. He looked different from the rest. He was more mature, his brown hair wasn't as curly, and his build was easy to look at. Her eyes met his, his hazel eyes cause her heard to tilt between the fighting of the other three, he sparked her interests. He pursed his lips slightly before speaking, "Sitka." He said audible for her ears.

"Cora," her voice hurt but it almost sound normal. "Thank you."

He nodded as the arguing died, "Cora, this is my youngest, Kenai. My daughter Athena, and my oldest, Sitka." She paused for a moment as Cora took in their faces, sure she had seen all of them but now she had the chance to see the few tattoos the oldest siblings had.

"How did you survive?" The youngest asked curious.


"It's fine," Cora spoke painfully over the woman. "Before the ship, before it took off me and two leaders all realized that we weren't going to all make it. So I um, distracted the people trying to kill us and ran. I guess I just wasn't in the range of the fire." She spoke ducking her head after.

"She should've been," the middle child responded, the oldest was quick to roughly step on her foot as he ate.

"The ink on your arm," she spoke towards the girl who had a burning hate towards the blonde, "Whats' it mean?"

"None of your business."

"I mean if you're going to murder me in my sleep I think I deserve to know a little bit about you." She shot back just moving the food around with her fork.

"Well maybe if you would've burned in the fire like the rest of your pathetic excuse of warriors I wouldn't have too."

"Well maybe, if you didn't spear my friend the first day we got here. We wouldn't have burned a village to the ground," she said spitefully knowing that's not how it went only wanting to cause the girl some sort of pain.

"You–" her language shifted as she threw the table standing up with it. Cora quickly reacted grabbing a knife ready for round two. Quickly the older brother grabbed his screaming sister by the waist pulling her back. Cora kept a firm grip on her weapon controlling her breathing. "You'll pay, do you hear me? You'll pay for everything you did."

Cora shook her head and then dropped the knife quickly finding an exit, pushing the door through she felt fresh air infiltrate her lungs. Her eyes closed as she imagined the first time they landed on the ground. Seeing way Octavia opened her arms letting every bit of moisture engulf her rather dull clothing. The feeling of running on dirt, the marks trees left after falling.

That was Then, This is Now. [Bellamy Blake Fanfic ~ Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now