"Kaylee said to tell you to come on. Do you want me to tell her you said you don't eat." Damien shook his head quickly.

"No that will make her angry." he said. "I come when she calls or else I have to deal with more of her crazy emotions."

"I am so telling her that you just said she was crazy." Kayleb said and he took off back down the hallway. Damien muttered something under his breath and then left the library as well. Alex looked around the room. Shelves full of books covered the walls from floor to ceiling. He definitely had to bring Angelica in here. She would love this room.

He walked to the kitchen and Angelica quickly crossed the room and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. Thankful that he was here with her again in this crowd of bodies.

"It smells good." Alex said as he led her to the table and pulled out a chair for her before sitting down in a chair beside her.

"I helped make it. I hope you like it." Angelica said as Alex placed a piece of meatloaf on both of their plates.

"I'm sure it'll be great." he said.

"I'm so hungry I'd eat it even if it tasted like a giant turd." Kent said matter of factly.

"Kent, please try to act like you have an ounce of sophistication and don't talk about bodily waste at the table." Bethany said tossing her hair over her shoulder. As the family began eating their meal, Angelica found herself feeling more and more comfortable around them. She looked over at Damien and he smiled at her and it was the first time she had ever seen a warm, caring look like that in his eyes when he looked at her.

(Alex, did you say something to Damien?) Angelica asked so only Alex could hear. Alex smiled, enjoying the sound of her voice in his head.

(He does care about you, sweetheart.) Angelica smiled at Alex and laid her head on his shoulder before going back to her meal.

"Hey sis, guess what king demon said about you?" Kayleb asked before sticking a forkful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"What?" Kaylee replied.

"He said that you are a moody pain in his ass and you drive him crazy." Kayleb said with a grin. Damien just shook his head and Kaylee looked over at him.

"Did you say that?" she asked.

"Not exactly." Damien replied and Alex winced. That was the wrong answer.

"What exactly does 'not exactly' mean?" she demanded. Alex felt Angelica grab his arm and he could tell she was afraid by the confrontation.

"It's okay." he whispered and she felt a tremor pass down her spine as his warm breath blew across her exposed neck. She was helpless to speak and stuck a bite of meatloaf in her mouth instead.

"I said that your emotions are crazy." Damien said to Kaylee and Lane laughed.

"Dig that hole, demon boy, dig that hole. I've dug a fair share of my own holes in the past."

"By the past he means just this morning." Joey added and Lane smiled and took a bite of food.

"My emotions are not crazy, Damien, I'm a woman and we are more complicated than the simpler sex." Kaylee said matter of factly.

"Now you're insulting all of us men?" Evan asked his daughter and Kaylee nodded.

"Yes I am." she replied.

"That's a bunch of B.S." Kayleb grumbled. "There is at least one woman at this table that is crazier than any of us men." His gaze hesitated on Angelica for only a second before moving back to Kaylee but it was long enough that Alex and nearly everyone else at the table caught onto it.

Alex and Angelica (7th in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now