"I will be with you. Anytime you leave here, I'll be at your side and we'll go together. There is a small town not far from here." Angelica looked as if she might agree for a moment and then she pulled her hands away from him and shook her head.

"You need to leave! I thought we were friends but you want them to find me." Alex shook his head and stepped toward her.

"I don't want anything bad to happen to you, Angelica. I want to help you."

"Then leave." she said and she felt her heart breaking apart in her chest. The fear that she had lived with for so long still held her prisoner to her cabin. She trusted Alex as long as he was here in her home but did she trust him enough to leave and go out where the spies could find her? No.

"Leave?" Alex asked and he wondered why this simple word caused him so much pain. Of course the wolf in him was throwing a fit and rebelling against the thought of leaving, but the man in him didn't like the idea either.

"Yes. I will not go anywhere. It's not safe."

"I would keep you safe." Alex promised, and he wondered where these words were coming from. He'd never been the heroic and big promises type.

"No. No. No. I can't leave." Angelica said, shaking her head roughly.

"Calm down, Angelica." Alex said, hearing the hysterical tone to her voice.

"Please just go." Angelica begged. She was about to have a breakdown and she didn't want him to see it. Not him. Not the one person who didn't treat her like she was crazy.

"Okay fine. I'll go, but I'm coming back tomorrow." he promised. He took a few backward steps away from the door and was about to dash when she cried out his name and ran to him. She grabbed his arm and tried to tug him back toward the house and he dug his boots into the grassy ground and stood still.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"They're here!" Angelica exclaimed, all logic and intelligent thought disappearing as her fear overwhelmed her. Alex looked around and flared his nostrils to smell the surrounding forest but everything seemed calm and quiet. There was even a group of rabbits hopping around in the long grass

"Who's here?" he asked in his calmest voice even as her fingernails dug into the skin on his forearm.

"The spies." Alex looked down at her and he felt his own heart hurting for her. She looked so scared and pitiful as she clung to him and yet he knew how strong and smart she was. What kind of fear would make a tough woman like her act like this? It made him wish that he could bring Victor and Rotan back from the dead and kill them himself.... Which shocked him since he had never had truly violent thoughts before in his life.

"What spies?" Alex asked as he looked around again. Angelica pointed into the yard.

"Them. They are here everyday, watching me!" Alex followed her finger and couldn't help but laugh when he realized she was pointing at the rabbits.

"The bunny rabbits?" he gasped and she nodded, flashing him an angry look as he laughed.

"Yes." she said while he tried, and failed, to stifle his laughter.

"Come on now, Angelica! Bugs Bunny and his friends are not evil demon spies and you know it."

"They are." she said but she didn't sound as sure.

"How about I catch one and prove to you that they are just bunnies?"

"They'll get me!" she exclaimed, releasing his arm and taking a step back.

"No, they won't. They eat clover, not pretty women with tough green haired body guards." Alex replied with a wink and his words were enough to jerk Angelica from her fear. Had he just called her pretty? Surely she had heard him wrong. But he was still just standing there with that goofy grin on his face.

Alex and Angelica (7th in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now