No More Broken Hearts Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

I wanna be the one who you believe in your heart is sent from,
Sent from heaven.
There's a piece of me who leaves when you're gone
Because you're sent from,
Sent from heaven.

Normani crooned on, forgetting where she was for a moment, finishing out the soulful song. The sound of Lauren clapping snapped her back to reality. "That was so beautiful, Mani" Lauren said in awe of her friend. Her emerald green eyes were sparkling with wonder and admiration at the chocolate beauty seated across the table from her. Normani blushed, smiling shyly. "Thanks, LoLo. I forgot where I was for a minute there. That song speaks to me, you know what I mean?" Lauren nodded, a sweet smile upon her face. She looked like a model in Normani's eyes. If she were taller than 5'6", there was no doubt in Normani's mind that the raven-haired, Cubana would probably be on someone's runway strutting her stuff. "I wish you would let more people hear you sing. You have such a beautiful, haunting voice. It shouldn't be confined to just a few people's ears. You should share it sometime" Lauren said genuinely. Normani smiled at the compliment. "You already know I'd have to be drunk off my ass before I ever had that kind of courage. I nearly passed out in public speaking freshman year, remember?" Normani mused. At the memory, Lauren erupted with a boisterous laugh, earning a slap on the arm from Normani. "Shut up LoLo! I was traumatized for a long time after that. Thank God we don't have to do as many presentations in these harder classes" Normani said with a twinkle in her eyes. "True. That's mainly because us science nerds only want to cut shit open and blow stuff up in chemistry lab. We could care less about anything else" Lauren said as she began to gather her stuff together, shoving her papers into her backpack. "Come on," Lauren said, tugging at Normani's lab coat sleeve. "We've got enough data for our project. I feel my life wasting away inside these walls" she said with a dramatic sigh, placing a hand to her forehead in faux angst. Normani simply chuckled at her friend. Her chocolate brown eyes meeting Lauren's green ones. "You're right. I'm tired of inhaling formaldehyde. I've probably lost a million brain cells by now from it". Normani gathered her things and the girls headed out into the bright sunlight, the warmth of the sun's rays a welcome change from the freezing cold laboratory.

"What you getting yourself into tonight?" Normani questioned Lauren. Lauren wiggled her thick eyebrows up and down and grinned at her. "Believe it or not, Camila and I were going to a karaoke bar. You should totally come with us!" Lauren said excitedly, jumping up and down in her place. Normani groaned. There was no way she was going to go play third wheel on Lauren's date with her girlfriend, much less to a karaoke bar where she knew Lauren would pressure her to sing. Normani shook her head profusely. "No way. What did I just tell you about singing in front of people? Besides, don't you want to go on your date just the two of you? I don't want to ruin anybody else's good time being a third wheel". Lauren pinned Normani with a look square in her eyes. "You are not some tone deaf wanna be who can't sing. You're Normani Kordei Hamilton. A stone cold fox with a drop dead gorgeous body, and a pretty face, with vocal chords that sound like angels strumming their harps". Normani snorted a little in laughter at that, earning a pinch to her forearm from Lauren. "Ouch!" she yelled out, rubbing the offended spot, glaring at the raven-haired beauty. "I'm serious, Mani! Furthermore, you'll never be a third wheel to me and Camila. You know that you're welcome to hang with us anytime. We promise not to make out in front of you again" Lauren added in a sing-song voice when she saw the doubt still dancing throughout Normani's eyes. "Please, Mani. I really want to see you get out and have some fun! Your whole life is school and more school. You're going to turn into a textbook one of these days if you keep it up". There it was. The spark that upturned the corners of Normani's perfectly-shaped mouth into a dazzling smile. She was so beautiful to Lauren. Hell she was beautiful to everyone. She had men and women alike doing a double take whenever she walked by, even though she hardly noticed them. Lauren and Normani had become friends after Lauren's ill-fated attempt at asking her out one day back last year during freshman orientation. Normani had obviously turned her down, but had surprised Lauren by asking her if she wouldn't mind settling for being her friend instead. Lauren had become intrigued with the charming chocolate goddess, and had felt propelled to accept her offer. And she was so glad she did. Normani had become one of the best friends she'd ever had the pleasure of having in her life. Lauren knew about Normani's past relationships, and while she maintained that she wasn't ready to date anyone, Lauren was making it her mission to change that. Normani needed a companion. She was simply too amazing to be single and heartbroken, pining away over the ghost of an undeserving ex-lover. "All right, Lolo. Fine. I'll go. But if I see an ass grab or a tongue-swapping kiss, I'm going home" Normani said, giving in to Lauren's persuasion. Lauren clapped her hands together excitedly. "Yay! You're going to have so much fun with us!" Lauren said excitedly. "And?" Normani prodded, raising a perfectly arched brow in Lauren's direction. "And I promise, no pda" she said glumly. Normani grinned in triumph, hooking her arm through Lauren's as they headed towards the main part of the campus. "What time do I need to be ready for this shindig?"

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