One - Caroline September Wilson

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This school is my kingdom. I rule here, and that is a fact that everyone holds dear. It sounds cliché, but I love my life, and everyone loves me. It's always been that way.

And here I was, sat in the middle of my math class, surrounded by my best friends, and I felt at home.
"Hey, Carrie, look at Miles over there, what the fuck does he think he's doing" snickered Eleanor, the girl I had grown up with since preschool. I looked over at the wimpy boy she was gesturing to, and saw that he was sat working deeply on his classwork, tounge poking out of the side of his mouth and hands itching the back of his neck erratically. I laughed along, as I always did, because as long as they don't hear it, it's not bullying, right? Obviously.

"Wilson, Potts, cut it out before I send you to the principle" our teacher, Mrs Dawson, sighed. We knew she wouldn't actually punish us, as both of our parents had put copious amounts of money into funding the school, and that could all stop if one day we came home with a complaint.

The lunch bell rang, and we all rushed out of our seats and towards the cafeteria, attempting to trip up some losers on the way. It disgusted me that we had to be in the same clases as these runts, surely they could split the classes by apperance instead of intelligence? It defied logic.

I made my way to the cafeteria, and there I met up with my boyfriend, Nick.
I'd been with him for almost exactly a year. In fact, tomorrow would be our one year anniversary. I had decided that for an anniversary gift, I was going to tell him that I love him for the first time. After all, you can't get more romantic than that, right?

As I sat in his lap and greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, I didn't notice how strangely he was behaving. It was as if he was impatient for some impending event. If I had noticed, I most likely would've hoped it was for our anniversary. I would've been wrong.

"Y'know what I love?" rushed my friend Elliot suddenly.

"What, Ell?" we all laughed, the few of us that were eating stabbing their food with their forks.

"I love this. Us. Alberta. This school. I mean, we fucking rule the place, guys!" he yelled, getting overly excited regarding our popularity.

"Yeah, Elliot, we rule" I said, rolling my eyes to accentuate the obviousness of his statement.

"Carrie, you not eating today?" asked Eleanor, shovelling chips into her mouth. I had always envied her fast metabolism.

"Nah, I'm not hungry. Feel kinda sick." I shrugged. It seemeed as if everything pointed towards something being off. I shook off the thought once again, and carried on with my life.


Okay, here's the deal with this fic- the chapters are going to be super short, like this one. But, hopefully that means I'm writing little and often, meaning frequent updates. I wish I could do long chapters with frequent updates, but if you've ever read my phanfic Feeling Small, you'll know I'm super bad at that.
Anyway, I promise Carrie isn't going to be this much of a bitch for the main part of this story. These first couple of chapters are her backstory, okay?
hang in there!

September. (A Josh Ramsay Fic)Where stories live. Discover now