Lane walked over and sat down in the chair next to the bed. He looked down at the woman laying there. He realized he didn't even know her name. Angela had cleaned the blood from her and changed her into one of Jordan's silk gowns.. Lane knew it had to have been Jordan's because she was the only person in the house who was almost as tiny as this mystery woman.

Her glasses were off and laying on the bedside table and Lane realized she wasn't as ugly as he'd first thought. Even with the bruises and cuts she was actually kind of pretty. He stood up quickly. This was insane! She was a scrawny little slayer and he had to get away from her. Damn this whole mate thing! Now that leggy brunette the subs had scared away a week ago, she was mate material. He quickly walked out of the room and down the hall to the bathroom. He took off his bloody clothes, showered and changed into sweat pants before walking back to his room.

He lay in his bed staring at the ceiling and cursing fate for having such a horribly twisted sense of humor.


The next morning Angela went into the spare room where Lane's mystery woman still lay sleeping. She had expected to find Lane here but he was gone. Angela pulled the blankets tighter around the stranger. Jake came into the room and laid a hand on his wife's shoulder.

"How is she?" he asked. She shrugged.

"She'll be fine.. She just lost a lot of blood and needs to sleep." Angela reached out and laid a hand on the girls face. She closed her eyes and focused her energy willing the cuts and bruises to heal.

"There, now she looks better." Angela said pulling her hand away. Jake kissed Angela's dark hair.

"Why don't' you go on down and get a bite to eat and tell everyone about our guest. I'll stay up here in case she wakes up." Angela nodded and kissed him gently before leaving the room. Jake moved the small chair across the room and sat down. His eyes stayed locked on this stranger. He could tell by her scent and Lane's scent together that this woman was his brothers mate. He felt sorry for his brother. Jake had been scared when he'd learned his own mate was mortal, learning that your mate was not only mortal but a slayer who hated immortals had to be one hundred times worse.


The first thing Joey noticed when she woke up was that her body was not sore. She raised her hand to her chest where the knife had gone in but there was nothing there. Then she noticed that she was wearing a silky gown and laying in a bed.

She couldn't see a thing without her glasses and she reached her hand out to the bedside table beside her and grabbed them. She slipped them on and nearly screamed when she saw the man sitting across the room looking at her with intense golden eyes.

Even sitting, she could tell he was tall and he was covered in layers of lean muscle. He looked a little like Lane but instead of the boyish good looks that Lane had this man looked rugged, dangerous and deadly. He didn't move a muscle as he sat there with his long legs stretched out and his arms crossed over his chest but Joey knew that when he did move it would be with a deadly grace.

"Who are you?" she demanded ready to leap from the bed and defend herself if necessary. He smiled and Joey noticed that even though it could never take away all the deadly intensity of his face it did lighten it and give him a more friendly appearance.

"I know I'm sexier than my little brother but unfortunately I'm taken." he replied. Joey's eyes widened in surprise. Who in the world would be with someone like that? He looked like the definition of a hard abusive man to her.

"By who?" she asked before she could stop herself. Just then a pretty, dark haired very pregnant woman waddled into the room carrying a plate of food.

Lane and Joey (2nd in werewolf series)Where stories live. Discover now