2-Meet pastel

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That's dans best friend btw...

I was sitting in the cafe window when I spotted him. Wow he was so beautiful.
He had black hair with dyed blue tips with blue eyes that you could swim in.
He was wearing all black and had tatoos all over him. I bet he's another one of tho-
"DANIEL!!" I forgot I was with my Bestfriend Iris.
"Yea what." I asked
"The project remember we were gonna wright a book for class?" she said annoyed
"Oh yea" I said
"Hey can you do all the work I'm busy" she knew I would rather do all the work so I said
"yes!!" I loved righting.
Iris was a simple girl she wore a Pink jumper with grey leggings and brow combat boots her hair was this pink red shade it I thought it was cute.
"Well I got to go meet up with my friend Eric.." God Eric she had a huge crush on him but my X girlfriend Ariel was dating him. Eric was not that great but ok I guess...
"Ok by" I said
That's when the blue eyed boy walked in. everyone just stared at him like he did not belong in a Bright pink cafe.
He walked over to me while I was in the middle of wrighting my story.
We ended up swapping # and he left.
I was walking home when I herd the black haired mans voice.
"Can we just not do it tonight?" he asked a man
"Oh Philly I'm not giving you a choice" it said
That's when I heard his leather jacket being torn off.
"GET OFF HIM" I screamed running toward the blonde haired man.
And that's when it all happened...

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