Chapter 1

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"Alright class that's it for today. Don't forget to turn in your papers tomorrow." Mr. Grant, my history teacher, said. I was the first out of the class. Senior Year. The last of the 4 years at this hell hole, otherwise known as school. I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself. The name? Skylar Davis. 17 years old living in Florida. I have a pretty good life. 2 wonderful parents that love me, 4 other siblings. No, I don't have a boyfriend. Why?, you ask? Well, I'm a VERY shy person. And when your as shy as me, it's hard making a connection with boys. I'm lucky I even have friends, very little though. "Skylar"! I turn around and am greeted with the face of my best friend, Olivia. Liv for short.  "Hey Liv". She engulfs me in a bone crushing hug. And I can't help but give one back. I've missed her so much.
"How have you been, I've missed you so much!", She asks. "I've been great. We have to have a sleepover one of these days, I've also missed you so much. And we have to catch up." "I agree". See, Liv went to Michigan for the summer to visit her grandparents. I had been counting the days till she came back. My life without her would be a lot more lonely and boring. Liv was always one to go out and have fun, live life. She's my opposite when it comes to being shy. Which is why she has a boyfriend and I don't. She's always convincing me to go to some party, or maybe go out for a few drinks. Without her, I wouldn't have met my other friends, Hannah and Lauren. And it's great cause now they go to our school and we always stay together. "I was wondering if you wanted to come to Allison Berry's party with me and Blake tonight." I thought about it. Party's were never my scene. People there just drink and have sex. It's pretty disgusting if you ask me. "I don't know Liv, you know party's aren't my thing." "I know Sky! But come on, how bad can it be?" "Very bad. Those people aren't my type of people. They smoke, they drink, and remember how at the last one of those horrible party's, Jennifer Gart got raped. I'm not going." "Sorry honey but you don't have a choice. I'm taking you. And there's nothing you can do about it. We need to find you a boyfriend." I couldn't believe her. She was being delusional. Does she really think that I'm going to want a boyfriend at/from a place like that? Just the fact that he's there would have already made me not ever want to date him. "Cmon Liv. Let's be real. You know I would've never wanted to find 'the one' at a party where he's drunk and perverted." "After school you're going to my house, we'll get ready, and we WILL go to that party. I know that I'm being really bitchy about this," (she was) "but I just want you to have fun and live your life. You know, let loose a little bit." She was right. I did need to let loose. I mean how bad can it be right?


Hey guys. This is my FIRST story on wattpad so give me a break alright? Anyway, thx for reading I hope you liked the first chapter. I know it's short, I'll work on that. Bye!😘

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