Declaration of war

Start from the beginning

She gave the next bite to Cain who gladly took it off her fork.Seraphina laughed at Cain when he spilt some ice cream on his shirt.The two were enjoying each other's company as Seraphina bought two more pieces of cake then running and giving them to the guards.

"Milady what is this for."

"Well I'm guessing since you guys have to follow us around then you should deserve a small token as my thanks go ahead take it."Seraphina says to the two men as they each took their piece.Blake quickly ate his not showing anybody what he looked like under his cloth while Wilson ate his thanking Seraphina.

Cain and Seraphina walked through the town hand in hand when suddenly an explosion goes off in a building by them.Cain covers Seraphina as rocks fly towards them,they both look to see the building engulfed in flames.The two got closer as Seraphina heard a woman's crying about her children and husband still being in the building.

Seraphina lets go of Cain's  hand and runs into the burning building.She heard him call after her but ignored his calls,she wasn't going to sit by and watch as somebody else has to suffer because they lost their most precious ones.Seraphina feels the fire to her it was cold but gradually warming up as she heard crying near her.She looks to see three young children laying next to a man who's leg was injured.

The man smiled at the children trying to calm them down but they looked up and saw her.The man looks at her with wide eyes,

"Don't worry I will get you out of here safely."Seraphina says walking to them.

The mans eyes go wide as he watches her part the fire with her hand and put it out.She smiles at the children,

"Stay close to me and your papa okay."

The children nod as Seraphina lifts the man into her shoulder supporting his wounded leg.She puts the fire around them out so they could walk through the building safely.Once out Cain immediately got water to heal the mans leg as Seraphina looks at the fire covered house.

"Our mistress,our mistress,our dearest mistress."

"Lady Seraphina what is that voice."Wilson asks

"It's the souls trapped in the flames these flames are not natural they were created by someone by force."Seraphina says lifting her left hand drawing the flames into her palm.

When she drew all the flames out and off the building she heard clapping in the crowd not like the clapping you would give to somebody who did something Wonderful but clapping as if somebody is amused.Seraphina looks as the crowd moves and a tall man with pink hair and magenta eyes steps out of the crowd.

"Truly Perfect Darlin you are what my King Wants the fire elemental girl.I see why you are truly wondrous a true goddess among weak humans such as the other elementals."He says with a southern accent.

"You leave her alone."The little girl who she saved says at the man  as she stands in front Of Seraphina.

The man clicks his tongue at the little girl,

"Weak bugs should stay quiet."He says getting angry and charging at the girl with a sword made of fire.

Seraphina quickly moves the girl making her own sword of fire after seeing his she clashes with the guys sword.He seemed surprised at first but then he smiled a wicked smile as the two stared at each other,

"Don't you know it isn't nice to pick on children why not pick on somebody your own size."

"Oh is that a challenge Darlin."He says pushing Seraphina backwards some more but she returned the pressure.

The two stood there as the townspeople backed away from them,Cain and the others watched with amazement but something seemed off to him.

"I would expect nothing less from a disciple of Fia Manders."

"You know Fia."

"Yeah of course I do she was a weakling who lost her life against me I laughed at her pained face as I stabbed her with this sword spillin her blood all over the place."The guy says making Seraphina's eyes go wide.

He laughed and laughed angering her even more when she finally pushed his away from her.The guy hit the ground with a loud thud but got back up looking at Seraphina.The ends of her hair ignited into flames as each step she took burned footprints into the paved road.The guy laughed like a Hyena,making Seraphina angrier that she was.

The guy stopped laughing as Seraphina charged at his her flames ten times hotter than before.She attacked with ease as the guy tried to keep up to her speed but he only managed to stop her from slicing his shoulder as they stood there swords against the others the guy heard his sword starting to crack as his flames were being taken from him.In a split second he moved as Seraphina broke through his sword,she scratched his shoulder a tiny bit before he fled away dropping a note.

Seraphina's  sword disappeared as she calmed down,she watched where the guy had fled away as she fell to her knees.Weakened she had used too much of her power fighting him fueled by anger as the person who cared for her actually died by that guys hand.Cain goes to her helping her up since she was weak,Wilson picked up the note reading the declaration of the opposite kingdoms war against theirs.

The picture at the top is the mysterious guy and Seraphina's fire sword.

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