They rushed up the steps. Char's room was a fragrant of mint and fabric softener. She always kept her room clean. Louis always admired how organized and clean she managed to be. He took a seat on the perfectly made bed and pulled needed materials from his bag. Laptop, notebook, pens and pencils, and a family size bag of Doritos.

"Let the torture begin." Char groaned.


"Louis look at this one." Char called to him pointing at the desktop, making sure not to touch with her Doritos stained fingers.

Louis groaned in response. At home his self made bedtime was 10:00pm. Now at 12:37am, Louis was fighting his sleep just to keep up with Char, who always seemed to never have an off button.

The past hours spent studying tired Louis out, not to mention he wasn't too excited about the topic. But Char couldn't get enough and called Louis up every time she found something interesting.

He weakly lifted up to looked where she was pointing. He read.
"The Devil. In most mythologies and religions, a devil is a leader or ruler among evil spirits, a being who acts in direct opposition to the gods." He paused to write down a few facts in the notebook beside him. He continued.

"The general view is that devil is trying to destroy humans, to tempt them into sinning, or to turn them against their god." He sighed trying to regain strength. "Why am I reading this Charlavoy Nelson, I already know this."

She stuffed more Doritos into her mouth, "First, call me that again and I'll kill you. Second, excuse me. I don't go to church. Church boy." She mumbled under her breath.

"It's life 101. Everyone knows this already." Louis argued back, ignoring the church boy comment.

"Well some people have different views on the Devil." Char said defensively.

Louis starred at her skeptically. "Do tell."

The room turned quiet and Char sighed throwing the chips bag on the bedside table. "What if he helped people? Ever thought of that, maybe he's not all bad. No one ever tells his story so no one knows much I guess."

"Whatever, I need sleep. Can we stop this for to-" A loud static version of some heavy metal song blared from Char's song.

"Hold that thought. I think it's Liam." Louis laid back down as Char answered the phone. Form the smile on her face, he knew it was Liam.

"Liam, baby!- Yeah. Yeah. Yes! Oh, but Louis is with me." Louis lifted his head up at the mention of his name. "Of course he'll come...see you in six." She hung up and turned to Louis. Eyes already starting their begging.

"Whatever it is, No." Louis said.

"It's not bad, I promise. It's just, we've been talking about getting a bunch of friends to go this abandoned house. It's kinda haunted, something with an Ax and a man named Mickey. But please." She begged her hands together as if she was praying to Louis.

"I said no, why would you want to do that anyways. It's illegal." Louis pointed out.

"It's not illegal if it's been abandoned for over twenty years. I don't even think the town knows about it anymore." Char said.

"I'm sure they do. But even if they didn't I'm not going. I'll walk home." Louis said up and closed his laptop, gathering his things.

Char stopped him taking its from his hands. "Louis! Please. I barely get to see him. I don't want him to think I turned him down cause I'm scared." She pleaded pouting.

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