Chapter 18: Truth or Dare?

Start from the beginning

Ian attention was now back on us. "Why don't we watch another movie?" Ashton asked. Lisa then got up and so did Blake.

"They're all boring. Why something to hide Ashton?" Blake grinned.

Ashton shook his head simply saying "I'm gonna kill you."

"Sarah?" Vanessa and Lisa asked. I realised that I will be forced either way so I nodded my head and stood up.

Vanessa and Ashton also got up followed by Ian.

"I thought you wanted to watch the movie?"  Ashton said in an angry tone.

"You're alright. This is boring. I can watch it again some other time," Ian laughed before going out of the room to get something.

He came back with an empty alcohol bottle and told us to sit in a circle.

Ashton moved the coffee table to the side but I didn't miss his muscles moving alongside him.

Lisa must have noticed me looking because she just winked at me smirking.

We all sat down in a circle. I was next to Ian and Vanessa. Vanessa was next to Lisa. Lisa was next to Ashton. Blake was in between Ian and Ashton.

"Okay so does everyone know how to play?" Ian asked

We all nodded our heads but he went over it just in case.

"So Lisa since you suggested we play you can start off. Lisa spins the bottle and whoever it lands on has to either pick between a truth or a dare and Then Lisa has to give them either a truth or dare. Okay?"

We all nodded our heads except for Ashton who just rolled his eyes and complained about how we already knew how to play the game.

Everyone ignored him and Lisa spun the bottle.

We were all waiting for the bottle to stop spinning and it stopped finally at Ian.

"That's easy, Dare," He smirked.

Lisa was thinking for a second before giving Ian her own smirk.

"I dare you to run on the street naked and scream about how your balls are extremely small and about how you can grow them out,"

Ian looked at her as if she said the stupidest thing ever before running out of the room and taking all of his clothes off. He then opened the front door naked and screamed what Lisa had told him.

Obviously he kept his family jewels hidden but I can't say the same about the back of him.

After a few minutes he came back inside wearing his clothes on.

"That was the stupidest dare ever," He said his voice bored.

"Yeah I have to admit that was kind of a lame dare," Blake chuckled to a pouting Lisa.

"Let's just carry on with the game then," Lisa glared at Blake.

Ian just smirked as he spun the bottle. This time it landed on Blake.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Blake smirked.

Ian frowned.

"What would you do if the world was under attack?"

"That's easy protect my girlfriend," He smiled but then smirked at Ian.

Lisa leaned forward and kissed Blake. It was quite a funny scene because Ashton was in between them squirming telling them to go away. When they finally went back to their places Ashton glared at them both.

The game went on after that. Dare after dare truth after truth. Some of the dares I had to admit were quite funny. Some of them were kinda lame. The lame ones obviously came from me mostly.


The best dare was the dare I thought was the one Ashton gave Ian. Ashton dared Ian to ring his mum and tell him he was thinks he likes guys. We all thought it was a pretty standard dare until his mum said to him,

"Ian honey? It's okay- you can be whatever sexuality you want. All that matters is that your my son. Just come home as soon as you can and we'll have the talk. I always knew there was something different about you."

When she said that we all just burst into laughter except for Vanessa who thought that the dare was really lame.

I don't mean to be rude or anything but her dare wasn't that good either. She dared Ashton to ring Amanda and ask if they could get back together.

The game nearly ended because Ashton got really mad. Luckily Ian intervened and quickly changed the dare to something else.

Ashton did sort of exaggerate though.

Now it was Blake's turn. He was spinning the bottle like he did on his previous turns but before he did he winked at me, and then spun the bottle.

Surprise surprise-The bottle landed on me. Note the sarcasm.

Everyone's eyes landed on mine.

"Truth or dare? Be a little adventurous this time Sarah," Blake added slyly.

I glared at him slightly


Blake then glanced towards Ashton who gave Blake the 'What you up to look'.

Ian and Lisa were smirking so I'm guessing they probably had an idea as to whatever was coming next.

"Sarah, oh sweet innocent Sarah," Blake started off smiling sweetly.

"I dare you to kiss Ashton for exactly one whole minute," He smirked.

Thanks for reading,

Sorry for any grammar mistakes,


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