Chapter 13

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Campbell's POV

I groaned in pain and looked around. Amber was conscious but she was holding her arm. I was in the middle so I didn't really get hurt but Amber and Alexis were beside the windows. I looked over at Alexis and she was unconscious. There was also a lot of blood coming from her head. I looked at the window and it was shattered. I think Alexis smashed her head off the window.

" Alexis, can you hear me?" I asked touching her arm a little. She didn't answer me.

" Amber, are you okay?" I asked her. She groaned.

" Yeah. I think my arm is broken though." She said.

" Alexis is unconscious. I think she is really hurt. I am going to unclip my seatbelt and then I am going to help you, okay?" I said and she nodded. I reached up and unclipped my seatbelt. I fell onto the roof with a thud. I groaned and slowly got up.

" Are you okay?" Amber asked me.

" Yeah I am fine." I said and went over to her.

" Okay, put your good arm down to try to help when you fall. I will unclip your seatbelt." I said and she nodded. I unclipped her seat belt and she fell. She groaned but at least she didn't fall on her bad arm.

" Okay, now we need to get Alexis out." I said and she got up from the ground. We walked over to Alexis and gasped. Her head had a big cut. It was bleeding a lot. Her arm was also broken.

" You unclip the belt and I will catch her when she falls." I said and Amber nodded. She went and tried to unclip the belt but it was stuck. She pulled harder and the belt snapped. Alexis fell and I caught her. I laid her down carefully and tried to wake her up but she wouldn't. Amber went to go check on the driver. She came back in a panic.

" He's dead! We need to call someone!" Amber yelled.

" I know. Calm down Amber. Everything will be okay." I said trying to calm her down. In the distance, I could hear sirens. I heard them pull up and a bunch of people came running down.

" Is everyone okay?" A man asked as he looked into the car.

" The driver is dead and my friend is unconscious. Please you have to help her." Amber said.

" Okay hold on. We are going to get the door open and then we are going to get you to a hospital." He said trying to calm us down. He walked to the other side of the car and forced the door open.

" Okay come on out. Be careful though." He said and we nodded. Amber slid out first and then I slid while dragging Alexis. Once we were out, the paramedics attended to Alexis while two came to check on Amber and I. They put Alexis in a neck brace and strapped her to a back board. They put her on a stretcher and brought her up to the ambulance. They brought Amber and I to the ambulance and put us in with Alexis. They closed the doors and we started driving to the nearest hospital. They put a sling around Amber's arm. I couldn't stop staring at Alexis.

" Is she going to be okay?" I asked one of the paramedics. She looked at me and gave me a small smile.

" Your friend has sustained a major head injury. We just have to get her to the hospital and they will take care of her there. I am sure she will be fine." She said trying to make me feel better. I sighed and watched her breathing.

" She is going to be okay." Amber said giving me a hug. We got to the hospital and they led us to the emergency room. They sent Alexis somewhere different then us. They wouldn't let us go with her. Amber and I went into the room they led us to and waited for the doctor. A nurse came in.

" The doctor will be in soon but he wants me to check to make sure you are okay and to do x-rays." She said and we nodded. She did a check up. She checked my pupils to make sure I didn't have a head injury. She checked over my body and the only thing that hurt was my ribs. She did the same thing to Amber and Amber's ribs and arm was hurting. We went in for x-rays and then the nurse came and asked us if there was somebody we can call. I nodded and she brought me to a phone. I called my parents and Amber's parents first and then I called Alexis's moms.

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