Chapter 3

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Hello readers, I am actually posting again. Its shocking I know. Life has been hectic lately so my posting will be erratic at best but I'm not giving up on this story. I have a complete layout and will do my absolute best to see this through to the end. Try to bare with me. All criticism and reviews are welcome. As usual everything will be posted on both my fanfiction account and my tumblr Also let me know what you think about my characterizations, story line, and any directions you'd like to see me go. Love you guys, read on.


Walking through the door felt different from any other magic Simon had experienced. Maybe it was because he was aware of what was happened or maybe because the spell was so powerful; either way he could literally feel the magic humming around his skin. Simon kept walking, following behind Professor Althea. The thrill of the magic flooded out of him. Simon shoved his hand in his pocket and wrapped it around the red ball inside trying to curb his increasing anxiety. "Where are all the students?" he asked glancing around the empty hall.

"This is an administrative hall, only faculty offices are here" Professor Althea said. "Why are we here" Simon asked wondering if he'd somehow done something wrong.

"There's someone who'd like to meet you" said the Professor. Unsure of how to reply Simon remained silent as he was guided down to the end of the hallway. There stood a dark wooden door larger than all the rest. Professor Althea knocked loudly on the door; without a word the door swung open on its own. The office was simple, boring in fact, the walls were bare and there were green shaded lamps next to a mahogany desk and in the corner standing in front of a book shelf was a man.

"Ah Professor, I was beginning to think you'd actually be late" the man said jokingly as he walked away from the bookshelf. Lining the shelves were several metal figures of various magical creatures, many Simon couldn't recognize.

"Simon, this is the Mage. Mage this is Simon Snow" Professor Althea announced as if the man had never spoken. The Mage took a seat at his desk, peering at Simon as if he was analyzing his every move.

"Leave us Althea. I would like to talk to Simon alone" the Mage's voice was serious, a stark contrast from the jovial tone he used just moments before. Simon was too scared to move let alone look at the Professor but he assumed she nodded because she left the room without a word. "Take a seat Simon, we have a lot to discuss" the Mage said gesturing at the two chairs directly in front of his desk. Simon dropped his gaze to the floor and slowly moved a seat.

"I haven't done anything, have I?" Simon blurted out feeling panicked.

The Mage looked surprised. "Of course not, unless you know something we don't" his voice was much lighter now but because of so many quick changes Simon had no idea how he actually felt.

"What! No I mean I just, well I seem to be in charge and why else would Professor Althea bring me here. And I always do seem to find my way into trouble without meaning to" Simon rambled on feeling himself blush as soon as the words left his mouth. Authority had always made him nervous especially since they always seemed to be yelling at him before he knew why.

The Mage wasn't mad however, actually he was chucking, "You haven't done anything Simon, I promise. Though you are preceptive, I am the headmaster of this school. Actually just wanted to meet you".

"Why would you want to meet me" Simon asked a little too quickly. After he shrank back a little realizing how defensive his words came out as.

"Do you think I always send teachers to personally go pick up students?" The Mage asked. Hesitantly Simon shook his head. "Exactly" continued Mage, "You, Simon are very special". Simon opened his mouth wanted to tell his new teacher that he wasn't anything special but he couldn't bring himself to correct him; he'd always wanted someone to tell him he was special.

"Why me" Simon asked instead.

"Because Simon, I believe you have to potential to surpass even me in magical ability" the Mage said. Simon's mouth fell open he was too surprised to even question the statement. Simon hadn't even known magic existed for an hour how could he possibly be talented at it. The Mage began to pull book after book from the relatively small looking desk drawer. Finally there were five books stacked neatly on the desk. "I took the liberty of picking up your school books for you, hope you don't mind" the Mage explained.

"It's fine" Simon replied absentmindedly. He was too preoccupied with the Mage's previous words. Attempting to distract himself he wondered how he'd be able to carry his new books along with his trunk. "Umm where did my trunk go, I may have forgotten to drag it through the portal with me" Simon asked suddenly with a sheepish smile.

"Don't worry, I am absolutely certain Professor Althea will have your things delivered to your room" said the Mage as he continued to rummage through the same desk drawer. "Here it is" the Mage commented as he pulled out a wand. The wand was a light tan color, almost golden, down on the thicker handle there was darker stripes in the wood weaving through the golden color. "You'll need this" the Mage said handing the wand over to Simon. It was a little large in his hand but light and easy to move.

"Another thing we must discuss is the boarding situation. Choosing your dorm mate is a sacred tradition here at Watford" the Mage explained. He slammed the drawer shut without taking anything out then stood up and walked to the center of the room. Simon stayed in his seat fearing getting in the way if he moved. The Mage neither raised a wand nor said a spell but Simon felt the same mystical humming around his skin that he felt walking through the portal.

The stones on the floor began to shift folding in over itself, seemingly growing as new bricks came from nowhere. Soon there was a pillar about four feet off the ground and one foot wide. "Come here Simon" the Mage called. Simon rushed forward excited to see what the magic had created. He was a few inches taller than the pillar so it was easy to peer inside. A shallow looking bowl was carved into the pillar and inside was some kind of liquid too dark to be water.

"What is it" Simon asked he voice coming out in a hushed tone. He stared at the pillar, frozen in place.

"This is known as the Crucible, the only thing of its kind in existence. It know all" the Mage explained. Then he gave Simon a light push towards it. Simon still didn't move.

"It'll tell me my future" Simon asked unsure if he even wanted to know what the future had in store for him

"It'll know your future but it'll only give you a push in the right direction, it'll place you where you need to go" The Mage said. He placed a large hand on one of Simon's shoulders, "just put your hand in the Crucible will take care of the rest".

Simon took a deep breath, he pushed his hand forward only faltering slightly before plunging into the Crucible. The liquid was thicker than it looked like honey and comfortably warm on his hand. Simon could feel it drawing him in further, using his other hand to keep him upright, he leaned in as far as it could go. The liquid definitely didn't look this deep but almost all of his right arm disappeared under the surface. This feeling was intoxicating, like the warmth was spreading through his whole body and infecting his brain. He couldn't think like this, couldn't even feel his arm. Then Simon felt his hand brush something, a piece of cloth maybe. As soon as he grabbed a hold of the cloth, the Crucible released its hold on him. Shock ran through his body and Simon pulled his arm out as fast as humanly possible. Simon took his right hand which was tightly grasping the piece of cloth and cradled it close to his chest.

"Simon, Simon, Simon" The Mage repeated his name shaking him lightly. Simon was aware of him but his mouth didn't seem t be working. He wanted the Crucible gone, now. It was like the pillar was eating away at all of Simon's energy. Simon's body was too numb to feel any magic in the air but the Crucible started collapsing in on itself in the same elaborate manner in which it came. Once it was gone Simon began to regain some of his cognizance, he noticed that both his right arm and the cloth were completely dry. The cloth was soft like silk and delicate more of a ribbon really.

"May I see it" the Mage asked his voice was soft, comforting. Simon was still not completely back in reality but he was aware enough to hand over the cloth in his hand. The Mage unrolled the wrinkled cloth then read off the words that Simon hadn't noticed were there. "Tyrannus Basilton Pitch" the Mage's eyes widened slightly at the name. Feeling a bit more like himself, Simon took the cloth back from the Mage then repeated the name aloud, "Tyrannus Bastilton Pitch". 

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