Chapter 3

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Levy P.O.V

Today was 'resting day' for everyone. Unlike last year, they gave some recovering time for those who were injured in battle. I can't help but feel scared for who I will be fighting. I know I have no reason too, but what if he or she is really powerful? I shook my head getting rid of all those thoughts.

Last here Lu got really hurt in one of the events. I felt so bad for not being able to help her. I went to the bathroom and did my usual routine: Brush hair, brush teeth, take shower, dry hair, get dressed, eat, and go outside for a walk.

My walk would be going to the guild, but since I wasn't at home and the dorms were right next to the stadium, I took my walks if I had time. The fresh air made me feel rejuvenated. I walked into town to look around once again, but this time I kept track of my surroundings. "You know, we don't have to be enemies..." A melodic voice said seductively. I craned my neck to across the street, and I saw that Devil's Eye girl, the one that wore a lot of gold, and... Gajeel. He looked annoyed and my blood boiled when I saw her trying to make a move on him.

Without thinking, I shouted in my sweetest and cutest voice, "Hey Gajeel!" I waved highly so he would see me. He looked thankful as I skipped across the road, making sure there were no cars coming first though. "Oh hey! I'm Le-" Before I could finish, she gave me an evil glare. "I know who you are." She snapped. I smiled bitterly at her. I crossed my arms and she put a hand on her hip. We glared at each other, and Gajeel stood there oblivious to the situation. "Levy!" I heard Lu yell from behind me. I looked at her, and she was smiling. I softened as I saw that happy expression. I was a sucker for pure happiness. "Kimmy cat!" Someone else yelled. I turned and saw the blue haired girl that was in the second event. She was with a fiery red haired girl who had matching eyes, and she wore a pink and yellow shirt which sleeves were detached, and mid-thigh orange shorts with pinnk flats.

"Don't call me that G!" Kim whined. The blue haired girl apparently named G smiled teasing the girl. "Oh, hi, I'm Gina and this is Natsuko." Gina introduced kindly. I shook her hand. Natsuko kind of reminded me of Natsu. Well the name anyway. "I'm Levy, this is Lucy and Gajeel." I introduced and she nodded the end of her eyes crinkling as her smile grew. "Well, we must go, I'll see you later!" She exclaimed happily dragging Natsuko who was grinding a cookie and a protesting Kim away.

I let out the giggle that resided inside of me. "Natsuko really reminds me of Natsu!" I exclaimed. They nodded in silent agreement as we walked together.

After the walk, I ended up sitting on my bed and grabbed one of my books. I began reading. The book finished so tragically, that I was crying my eyes out. Someone knocked at my door and I answered forgetting I was just crying. "Shrimp? Why are ya cryin'?" Gajeel asked and I quickly wiped them away. I pointed to the book on my bed. He gave out a low 'ooohhhh' then looking at me in the eye. He opened his mouth, but then something interrupted him. A loud explosion occurred and I stepped out of my room then a piece of rock fell from above me. Gajeel grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him as the rock crushed the floor where I previously was. "Be more carful Shrimp. Okay?" He scolded. Wow, he can't just say 'are you alright?' or something? I shouldn't judge, I know Gajeel more than anyone. He really cares on the inside, but can't show it well on the outside. I smiled up at him. "Yep!" I answered before Natsu came running down the hall. "You guys alright?" He asked and we nodded. "What was that anyway?" I asked peering down the hall.

He scratched the back of his head. "Hehe, you see, um cat hair got in my nose and I sneezed." He said and my mouth opened in an 'O' form and Gajeel huffed. "Stupid Salamander." He commented before walking off. "What did you say?!" Natsu shouted after him.

Iron Script (GaLe/Gajevy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon