Chapter Thirteen: Complication.

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     Monday morning dawned bright and early.  I laid in my bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to muster up some enthusiasm for the school day.  Except how was I supposed to do that when my entire life was going to hell in a hand basket?  I couldn't think of a single bright spot and there was one very big reason I didn't want to go.  Ben.  Groaning, I rolled from my bed and tumbled to the floor.  Without bothering to get up, I crawled to the bathroom.  I sat on the floor and stripped from my clothing before crawling into the shower stall.  I stood long enough to grab my shampoo and body wash and to turn on and adjust the water before I sat back down.  What was the point in standing if I really didn't have to?

After my shower, I finally realized I'd have to exert a little energy after I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror.  I stood in my towel with my hands on my cheeks, staring at my reflection in horror.  Was that really me?  That pale, hollow eyed, washed out girl?  My fingers trailed up to the dark shadows beneath my eyes.  I'd slept though, hadn't I?  Almost all of Sunday I had slept, ignoring phone call after phone call from Brandt and Charlotte.  I'd only gotten out of bed once, to accept the delivery of my repaired car, then had immediately gone back to sleep.  So why did it look as if I hadn't?  Stress, I thought and tacked on a little sarcasm.  It does wonderful things for you.

Determined now, I made quick work of blow drying my hair before I applied enough makeup to cover the shadows beneath my eyes and give my face some color.  I marched to my closet and pulled out a casual sundress in poppy red.  I added a white blazer and white flats before I went back to the bathroom to try and tame my hair.  Unfortunately, the wild curls had a mind of their own and I gave up, letting them do what they wanted.  By the time I'd finished, it was time for me to head to school.  I grabbed my phone and made my way downstairs, snagging my book bag on my way out the door.

I grinned at my car and barely resisted kissing it.  Instead, I got inside and ran my hands along the dash and seats.  I really had missed it.  I started the car and sped out of my driveway, heading towards school.


I arrived with five minutes to spare and scrambled from my car before dashing through the parking lot, into the building.  I didn't slow down until I reached my homeroom and I stopped in the doorway to catch my breath.  I spotted Brandt and Charlotte sitting at the back of the room and made my way to them.  I plopped into the seat in front of Charlotte, huffing out a breath.  "Hey, guys."

Charlotte widened her eyes at me.  "Oh, hello!  Do we know you?  I could almost swear I'd seen you before..."

I rolled my eyes at her.  "Charles, you're not amusing.  It was one day."

"No, it was two.  Three if you count Friday, which I do."

I furrowed my brows and glanced at Brandt, who was glaring down at his desk.  "Oh.  I guess I didn't talk to you guys on Saturday either, huh?  Friday doesn't count though, because we saw each other here."

"And?"  Charlotte asked, lifting an eyebrow.

"I'm really sorry that I didn't pick up my phone."  I gave them both my best puppy dog eyes, willing them to accept my apology.  However, it was wasted on Brandt because he'd yet to look up from the desk.  "Brandt?  I really am sorry."

He sighed and shot a quick glance at me.  When he saw my face he winced and smashed his own face into the desk.  His muffled voice was pleading.  "Don't give me that look.  It's not fair."

I widened my eyes even more and scrambled to my knees in my chair to lean over and lay my head on his shoulder while Charlotte watched in amusement..  I added a small sniffle to my voice and spoke quietly,  "Oh, but Brandt, I can't help it.  I'm just so s-sorry!"

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