Chapter 9

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Hi guys! I can't believe school is starting in a couple of days.
But I will be on here on the weekends and the days I have off.
So I'm going to start doing QOTD (question of the day).

QOTD: Favorite number?
AOTD: 26 and 7


Hiro's POV:

The next day I met Gogo at school. She was nervous.

"I don't think this is a good idea"

"It's okay, calm down"

Before class started, we went around asking the kids, that I knew that they know about Felicia, to tell us what they knew. Only two out of about the 10 we asked told us stuff that they knew. During lunch time, we asked other kids but none of them answered. This was way harder than I thought.

Gogo's POV:

This was so hard. I don't even know why Hiro wants Felicia to get caught. Sure she's doing bad things but he seems so cruel. Only two kids told us what they knew about Felicia. What they told us wasn't so good,but we need more evidence. After school we went to the café and thought how we can get more evidence without asking other kids. My idea was to follow her. I knew she always went somewhere before,during lunch and after school. Hiro thought that was an okay idea but he said that we need a backup. I didn't want to do this. The next day Hiro made me follow Felicia but she caught me.

"Why are you following me?"

"I'm not following you"

"Yes you are"


"You know what if you dare follow me again you'll never see a sunset again"

Haha like if that scared me. I told Hiro what happened and I told him that we have to forget about her and let her be. Hiro seemed pretty mad but he said okay. The next day we found out that Felicia was expelled. Hiro started to throw a party, like no joke. We never heard of her again.

Honey's POV

When we found out that Felicia got expelled from school, Hiro got so excited. Creepy.

*months later*

Gogo's POV:

Today we're going to the state fair. I am so excited! When we go there, we first went to the 2000. It was okay. Then we went on the crazy mouse. They're are so many turns and flips that I got kind of lightheaded and nauses. After I felt better we went to those water splashy things. You know where you have to keep it in the middle. I got third place. Fred got second place and surprisingly Wasabi got first place. We tried again. This time Fred got third place, I got second place and Hiro got first place.

"Hey Gogo, you pick the prize"

"Um.......... I want that huge monkey one."

After he got it he gave it to me. Then Honey started squealing.

"Awwwww they're so cute!!!!!!!!!!"

Argh. Then after a few games we went to get some food. While we were waiting in line this random dude just waved at me. Did I know him? How does he know me? He's probably from school. Or maybe........ Then Wasabi snapped me out of my thoughts.

"It's your turn to pick"

"Oh sorry"

While we were eat Hiro asked me what was I thinking about. I couldn't hide anything from him.

"Well some dude waved hi at me I didn't know who it was"

"That's weird"

"Yeah..............and there's something else."

"What is it?"

"You're gonna say I'm crazy but he look like........ Tadashi"



"But Tadashi's dead so it can't be him"

"I know"

I continued to eat. After we palyed more games and got on other rides. Oh and by the way I am never going on a Ferris wheel again.
When we were leaving,I saw that guy again I swear it looks like tadashi. I think Honey saw him to cause she got all stiff.

"Hey Honey" I asked her

"Did you see him too?"


"Could it be him?"

"I don't know"

So I wasn't the only one. Could it be him?


How do you guys think it is? Is it Tadashi?
Maybe, maybe not
Well me has to go. Bye!

*runs after Anna cause she has chocolates*

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