CHAPTER FIFTEEN- The sixth passage

Start from the beginning

"I know I had found something there," Susan said and went on her search.

An hour passed and they were still in water.

"Susan isn't satisfied yet," noel said.

"Don't know what she is doing down there," Jayson said.

"Their oxygen supplies are going to finish off. They would be coming up soon," the officer said.

As the officer had said Susan and Kane returned back in 10 mints.

"So found any progress," Jayson asked.

"Yes," she said with a smile.

That made noel and Jayson shocked. Drew was also hearing her from the transmitter.

"Susan found the 6th passage," Kane said.

"According to the size of the passage it seems a lot big. Our oxygen tanks won't be enough to reach and come back," Susan said.

"I have sent some tanks for that purpose," drew said.

The officer handed it to them.

"That oxygen tanks would last for 3 to 4 hrs," drew said.

"Well it should be enough," Susan said.

"Let's go then," Jayson said.

All moved in the water and reached the dept.

They saw a huge opening. It was so huge that 3 persons could have easily entered in at one time. They noticed the patch that noel had made. The opening was so thick that noel wasn't able to break it all at once. The reason was that he had got tired and didn't have much energy left with him.

They moved in the tunnel. It was the 1st tunnel where they found lights implanted. It moved straight but after travelling for 5 minutes the tunnel directed downwards.

"Is it like the last one? Are we going to reach the lava once again" noel asked.

"There is no way front we have to move downwards," Susan said.

They moved down for 15 minutes and again there was a way up. They swim upwards for 10 minutes. Again there was a straight way.

"What's going on? Why are we going up down and straight," noel asked.

The others didn't have any idea about that. They just kept on moving up down and straight. An hour and half passed but their way like that continued. Susan was tired of swimming now. And so were the others. Their speed had decreased. They knew that they won't be having much oxygen left if that continued for much time.

2 hrs had passed they were travelling that way. They at last reached a straight road without ups and downs. 3 hrs had passed. They were able to sense that they were soon going to be down of oxygen.

As they moved further straight they saw that their further way was made of glass. But there was a dead end for them. They were not able to move further as the road was blocked by walls made of steel.

There wasn't any opening there. It won't open by any trick.

"I can guarantee that they are in there," Susan said.

But the thing that disturbed her was how they were going to pass through that place. Jayson and noel were tired and Kane wasn't able to use his technique because of his hand. Susan was quiet. She was thinking of a way out when she noticed blue light in the water. It was coming from Noels hand. He was forcefully trying to make that ball. He finished forming it but before he could hit, that ball disappeared. He failed. Noel had gone weak and fell down. Susan supported him. Jayson used his technique. He moved back at some distance and hit at that wall.

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