Part Ten

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You were still lying on your bed when Haruka entered inside your room. "(F/n)-chan, we're going on our way within 30 minutes." Haruka noted.

"Okay, I'll be right there," you replied.

"Okay then, see you at the living room," Haruka said then closed the door and leaved. You sighed and took your phone on your right side of the bed.

You opened your phone and play Nanairo no compass song by Tokiya Ichinose A.K.A Hayato . As you listens to his song, you stared at his picture on your gallery and smiled but afterwards, your smile faded then you put it back beside you and looked at the celling of your room.

"Tokiya-kun, I really like you but I'm afraid to confess it to you because.... Perhaps, I'll regret it forever. And I don't want that to happen." You clenched your fists and closed your eyes.

"I'm really confused right now... Will I keep this feelings and remain to be his friend? Or, tell him what I really feel and get ready of what will be his answer?" You asked in yourself.

You dudn't noticed someone entered your room while you're still lying on your bed closed eyes. The person who entered your room was none other than your huge crush, Tokiya.

"(F/n)-san, it's about time for us to leave." Tokiya said, he's standing beside your bed.

Your eyes widened and jumped abruptly on your bed.

"To-Tokiya-kun! W-Why did you come in my room without my permission?!" You asked nervously and blushed like crazy.

"I was knocking on your door many times but you didn't answer so I have no choice but to enter," Tokiya explained.

"I-Is that so?" You replied. "But why did you came here instead of Haruka-chan?" You asked confused

"Nanami-san is busy as well as the others, they prepare something so she asked me if is it okay for me to go in your room and tell that we will leave after ten minutes," Tokiya said.

"Ugh! I almost forgot about that!" You hurriedly stood up on your bed and took your phone. "Thank you, Tokiya-kun." You said.

"No problem, let's hurry. I think they're waiting outside right now," Tokiya said.

"Okay!" You said.

The both of you run through the hallways, "Go-Gomen'nasai! We're running late because of me!" You said.

"It's okay, we just have to run faster to make there in time... Here, hold my hand," Tokiya offered his right hand to you while the both of you are running. You hesitated at first but afterwards, you took it then the both of you run faster.

"Tokiya-kun's hand is so warm... Holding his hand like this makes my heart flutter and it feels so good.... I wish this will last longer, I don't want to let go of his hand. If only I can stop the time to pass by....." You thought while staring at your both hands. You tighten your grip so Tokjya looked at you and wondered.

"(F/n)-san? Daijoubu desuka?" Tokiya asked then you nodded in response.

When you and Tokiya made it outside, you saw everyone looking at you. "Both of you are almost late," Ai said.

"I'm sorry! It'a all my fault so please don't involve Tokiya-kun!" You bowed.

"Tch.. Nevermind that, let's just go already." Ranmaru said.

"It's okay (F/n)-chan, Ai-Ai was just saying that the both of you are almost late but he's not angry or something " Reiji patted your head, you looked at him then he smiled sweetly at you

"Rei-chan," you said with teary eyes.

"(F/n), Reiji, what are you still doing? We will leave the both of you if you don't hurry up." Ai said.

"Coming!" You and Reiji said in unison then hopped inside the car. Haruka is with the STARISH and you are with the Quartet Night, you are sitting between Ai on your right and Reiji on your left, Ranmaru and Camus were sitting at the back. You stared at your left hand and recall the scene where you and Tokiya ran while holding on each others' hand.

"Tokiya-kun, U really wanted to tell how I feel for you, but I'm so scared to lose you because of that." You thought and closed your eyes.


On rhe other side...

Tokiya was sitting on the edge of the car while staring outside. Otoya, who's sitting beside Tokiya looked at him and wondered.

"Hey Tokiya, are you thinking something?" Otoya asked then Tokiya looked at him and replied, "Nothing, I'm just looking at the sky, that's all."

"Oh, okay.." Otoya said then Tokiya looked back to the window again.

"(F/n)..." Tokiya said inside his thought.

My Love for You (Tokiya x Reader) [[4 different endings]]Where stories live. Discover now