The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Two

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     “I’ll be in the gym working out if you need me.” I said as I forced myself to turn away from her and make my way out the room.

     “Luca I want up to keep a close eye on her.” Wyatt said as I reached the door

    “Why me? Why not one of the other?” I asked turning slightly to face him.

    “Are you questioning me Luca?” he snapped at me letting out a loud growl.

    “No.” I replied.

   “You’re the only one I can trust with something so precious. I know you can protect her for me, plus you won’t succumb to a pretty face.” He said still a little agitated with me.

    “Wyatt I’m a fighter not a flipping babysitter.” I growl at him.

   “It’s not a request Luca, it’s an order.” He boomed at me in his alpha tone.

   “Yes Wyatt.” I said as I hurried off.

I was furious with him for making me do something as lame as watch her. I could be doing patrol or anything other than watching her. I could feel my body shake with anger as I ran down the stairs; I needed to relieve my frustration. I headed for the gym, hoping that a long workout would do the trick.


(Mia’s POV)

The cold breeze was starting to make me shiver, I would have gone in sooner but I heard shouting from the house and thought better of it. As I stood up and wrapped the blanket around me quickly I headed back to the now quiet house. As I walked along I could sense somebody’s eyes on me, it felt as though they were burning into my skin. I looked up towards the back balcony and saw it was Wyatt, when our eyes meant a small smile appeared on his face. Turned away quickly and ran into the house, there was just something about his smile that scared me a little. I walked up to my room and chucked the blanket on the bed. I felt restless; I needed something to help me take my mind off of things. I needed to clear my head; I was fed up of sitting around moping. It wasn’t going to change anything; it wasn’t going to bring back my mum. Normally when I felt like this I would go for run but I didn’t really feel comfortable running around somewhere I didn’t really know. As I stood there a faint sound caught my attention, it wasn’t loud enough for me to make out. My curiosity took over and I headed towards the sound. It took me down the stairs and past the kitchen into a long corridor. As I got closer I could tell it was a collection of different sounds, I carried on walking until I found myself stood into front of a set of large wooden doors. One was open slightly, I pushed it open a little more and walked in. it was a massive gym with all sorts of different types of equipment. There were rowing machines, cross trainer, weights and all sorts of equipment that I hadn’t clue what it was called. As I looked around I noticed a couple of treadmills. A small smile appeared on my face; at least I had found an answer to my problem. As I started to walk towards it I noticed a couple of people watching me, as I looked at them I realised I was the only female in the room. I turned away from them and carried on towards the treadmill; I need to clear my head and wasn’t going to let anything stop me. I got on and turned it on; starting it at a slow jog to warm my muscles up a bit before I really went for it. As I jogged I took the hairband from my wrist and tied my long hair into a high ponytail and tucked some loosed bits of hair behind my ear. As my muscles loosened up I sated to set the speed of the treadmill faster and faster until I couldn’t feel my heart beat a little a faster. As the adrenaline soar through my system I was reminded of my dream. That overwhelming feeling of freedom, I felt alive. I continued to run when the image of the black wolf appeared in my mind; I quickly turned the treadmill off panting a little. I couldn’t get the image out of my head, something inside me was telling me to turn around. I turned my head over my shoulder, out of the corner of my eye I spotted a familiar face in the far corner. It was Luca; he was using some kind of pull up machine. For a moment I couldn’t take my eyes off him that was until he caught me looking. I told round quickly and hurried off. I quickly headed back upstairs to take a shower. When I reached my door I was surprised to find my door ajar. I cautiously stepped inside to find a single red rose on my pillow; beside it was a note which read ‘Happy birthday Mia.’ It made me feel a little uneasy inside. As I pick up the road it sent a shiver down my spine making me drop it on the floor. I pick it back up from the floor, then grabbed the note from my pillow and throw them in the bin.

The girl who cried wolf (R rated version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz