Chapter 11

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I walked over to Johnny and put a hand on his back. "Can we please go see Ace, Cain?" He asked me wiping his face of tears. I nodded and helped him up off of the bed. Carlos opened the door for us as we walked out. When walked into the infirmary, Johnny pulled a chair up to Ace's bed. He looked at me, "It was you wasn't it? When Ace picked a little boy up right?" I nodded my head, "It's my way of keeping my side of the promise and commitment. That's why I was gone as soon as she deaged. I needed to make sure it was true and I just needed to see it through my own eyes."

He focus his head back down at Ace, "I love her you know." The he was right, he might've threated Johnny he was right. Johnny is The Wanderer, he fell in love without even knowing it. Wait a minute, if he's The Wanderer, then he's her true mate, but there's only one way to find out. I pulled out a stack of tarot cards from out of my back pocket and walked over to a table and sat down. I used the cartomancy divination, and every time, the last card was The Wanderer. I used cartomancy divination in my tarot cards for Michael but his last card was always The Fool. I wonder why Michael was the fool, did he lie about something? Is there something that he isn't tell Ace, because when I had first done his cards, his last card was The Lover and now it's The Fool? I don't understand. There's only one way that your cards can change like that.

'Someone altered the future. Someone was in both of those visions that you were in and changed something. Since their future was altered, we can't tell what'll happen next for them, but you could always try Lithomancy.' My wolf Justin told me.

'What's Lithomancy?' I asked him.

'It's divination by studying light reflected by precious or colored stones. The gemstones are usually cast on black cloth for the reading. Thirteen stones are used. Seven stones represent astrological signs: the Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. The remaining six stones represent the home, love, life, magic, luck and news. Remember?' my wolf was always the wise one.

'Chillax Justin. I'm still learning as I go remember? I'm an immediate not and expert yet. Go easy on me.' I told him rolling my eyes.

'Whatever, I'm going to go meditate.'

Man, I promise, sometimes, I wonder why my family were Gypsies. I grew up into this crap, but hey! I gotta learn it. I picked up all of my tarot cards and neatly put it back in its small velvet bag. I turned around to see Johnny kiss Ace on the lips and start crying. I went back to my room to leave Johnny alone for a while. I felt my phone ring on my desk, "Hello?" I answered. "Sweetie I want you to know that I love you and I always have. I hope that someday you find you mate and she will love you for who you are. You are to stand by Angelique and Tyler's side no matter what." My mom sounded sad. I heard her sigh, "Remember this code, 285 6663 154 285 51545959 195 562 28952. 85 91 364957 669 285 54759059! 7639 3194 195 2195254! I love you sugar." "Mom? Mom! Mom are you there?" I quickly hung up my phone.

I jumped out my window and snuck past the guards before transforming. Suddenly, I started hearing everyone's thought about how sad they are about the Luna and Alpha, all but one.

I told that wanna be Luna to stay away from my Alpha! But nooooo, she had to bring my baby down into certain death with her! I can't believe she gets all the attention when she doesn't even deserve it! I should've killed her by strangling her! I heard Bianca say in disgust. Wow I didn't even think that she could stoop so low to a rogue's level. I transmitted what she had said to Johnny. It's gonna be awhile before I get to my mothers' house since she lives 4 states away South in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and I lived far up Southeast near Montreal, Quebec. May my adventure begin?

Johnny's POV

'I told that wannabe Luna to stay away from my Alpha! But nooooo, she had to bring my baby into certain death with her! I can't believe she gets all the attention when she doesn't even deserve it! I should've killed her by strangling her.'

I growled, "Bianca." I looked back at Ace's sleeping form and kissed her forehead before leaving. I walked in the living room giving everyone in way the death glare. When I walked past my brother I gave him a glare that said 'I'll killed you if you speak to me or get in my way!'

Carlos' POV

As Johnny walked past everyone in the hall he gave them his famous death glare, but when he passed me, he gave me his rare 'I'll kill you if you say anything or make one wrong move towards me.' I put my hands up in surrender as he pasted. I could feel some really strong heat radiating off of him which was rare considering that we're coldblooded and not hot-blooded. Someone must've really got in his pants to make him that furious.

Moments later I heard a girl scream and a loud growl. Bianca. Everyone scrambled to the living room to see what was going on. Johnny's wolf was twice the size than it normally is. He was slowly corning her. "JOHNNY STOP!" I yelled. He snapped his head towards us, everyone gasped. One of his eyes were amber and the other was his normal electric green. He surprisingly loyally sat down and bowed his head. Everyone turned around to see why he was acting like this, and saw an angry looking Ace with fully silver hair and amber eyes, dressed in a short zipped up in the front, boat neck black dress with a black leather jacket, lace leggings, and black 3 inch stilettos that had 3 buckle straps each. Her hair was straight, shoulder length, and she had long bangs that swept over her right eye.

She walked up to Johnny's wolf and stoked his fur softly. They both look back in our direction and we saw Michael with white hair and electric green eyes, dressed in a short sleeved, plain black t-shirt and black jeans, with black dress shoes. His hair was ruffled but he also had bangs except they swept over his left eye instead of his right.

What was strange about them was that Ace had these strange tire track looking tattoos almost all over her and Michael had this axe slung over his back that had strange symbols on it.

They turned back at Bianca and smirked wickedly. "Omegas just don't know their place," Ace said. "trying to take out a Luna and an Alpha?" Michael finished.

"Did you not think that I wouldn't come back with revenge Barbie? Do you not know who I am?  she screamed at her.

"Deliver her to him Xavier." Michael told Johnny.

A large scythe appeared in Ace's hand. She sliced across the air opening what looked like a portal to Hell. Johnny got up and dragged Bianca by her leg through the portal, and Ace and Michael followed closing the portal.

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