Chapter 2: Cold Water and Universities

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-----Louis POV-----


I groan and pull the covers over my head when I hear Harry's alarm go off across the hall. I peek out of the covers and look to see what time it is on my iPhone. "Ugh! It's seven am!" I mumble to myself and let out an exasperated sigh.


"HARRY TURN THE DAMN THING OFF ALREADY!" I scream as loud as I can manage this early in the morning. Two minutes later it's still going off. I drag myself out of bed and across the hall to Harry's room, where he's still sleeping. "Hey wake up Sleeping Beauty! Its already 7:30!"

"Hmm," Harry turns and faces away from me.

"YO WAKE UP!" I throw a pillow at him. "Do we want to do this the easy way? Or the hard way?" I ask with a mischievous grin. I walk into his bathroom and look for a bucket.

Ten minutes later I have a bucket full of cold water. I slowly walk into Harry's room. When I see that he's still sleeping I carry the bucket to his bed. Right as I'm about to pour the water on him, I hear a snicker from behind. When I turn around I get squirted with cold water and drop the bucket on my foot.

"HOLY FUCK HARRY I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I started to run but I tripped over the bucket and landed in the puddle of water, which gave Harry the perfect chance to run and lock himself in his bathroom. I decide to let him think that I am still in the room while I go and get ready. I place a pillow a couple feet from the bathroom door so it looks like I'm waiting for him.

When I walk back into my room I check the time and realize its already eight o'cock. I grab a red t-shirt and some jeans out of my closet because they're the first thing I see, then I attempt to find my shoes. After about five minutes I find the shoe box and pull on the first matching pair I can find.

I peek into Harry's room while I'm walking to the kitchen and laugh when I see that he's still in the bathroom. When I get to the kitchen I decide I'm too lazy to cook so I grab the car keys and decide to go to the McDonalds across the street.

When I walk inside the first thing that hits me is the smell. I love McDonalds. I don't care if it's bad for you and I've seen those food production videos and honestly it doesn't bother me at all. I mean come on, who can resist the smell of their fries or Big Macs?

I order a bacon, egg, and cheese along with a chicken biscuit for me and I get Harry one of those pancake things. I grab my food and sit back in the car when I hear my phone ring.

"Shit!" I looked at the caller ID and knew I was in trouble. I've been putting off talking to Eleanor for a while because sometimes she can get to clingy and annoying. Don't get me wrong, I love her and all that and we've been together for a few years but sometimes a man needs his space.

"Hey El!" I say flatly.

"Heyyy boo-bear! How's America? And why haven't you called me back? I've left like twenty messages!"

"Sorry I've been busy."

"Too busy for me?"

"Sorry babe but I haven't even had the chance to call me mum yet!"

"Fine but hey I wanted to talk to you about when I could come visi-"

"Sorry El, I got to go. Harry wants to go check out some places today. Bye, love you," I cut her off.

"B-" I hang up before she can say anything else.

I park the car and walk inside our flat. I set the food down and start eating when I see Harry come out of his room. "Bout time you came out," I manage to sat between bites.

Harry sits down and glares at me while eating his pancakes.

"We have to leave by nine if you want to make it on time so you have half an hour to finish eating and getting ready." I throw my trash away while Harry finishes eating and I sit on the couch and mess around on twitter while I wait for Harry to finish eating.




-----Harry's POV-----

"And we are back at the front of our campus!" We had one of the girls on the welcome committee show us around. I think her name was Sophia or something like that. I caught Louis checking out a bunch of girls that walked our way. I shake my head and look around the campus. I am definitely coming here! I thought as Sophia handed us more information packets. "I hope we'll see you two here!" she says and walks off with a wave.

"We are definitely coming here" Louis exclaims.

I smile and nod my head in agreement. I look down at the papers and start reading the list of classes they have. I bump into something and when I look up I see a girl with brown hair on the ground a few feet away. "I am so sorry!" I say as I help her pick up her stuff.

"That's okay," the girl says. When she looks up I see that she has big eyes that are a very dark brown that usually wouldn't look that good on most people but on her they look beautiful.

"Uh-hi? I'm Harry!" my voice kind of cracks. Nice going Harry. I've never been quite good at talking to girls.

"Ha ha," the girl laughs, "I'm Annalise! Are you new?" she asks, gesturing to the pile of papers in my arms.

"Oh yeah I'm applying," I say.

"Well I hope to see you around Harry." She mimics the squeak I made when I said my name and I laugh. I walk towards the car before I realize that I didn't ask for her number. I mentally smack myself and get in the car where Louis was already waiting and ready to go.

"Nice going, lad! You really got her interested!" Louis laughs as I reverse the car and start to drive to our flat.


Hey guys so I'm iap5151 and I'm writing this book with XxABasicFangirlXx as she probably already told you in chapter one haha. I will be signing off as Isha (my nickname) so you guys know who's on. If you ever want to talk just DM me on here or on my personal!

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! So please comment, vote, and share! Thanks! ~Isha

Word Count: 1143

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