" Nah, Im just fucking with ya. Of course you're all invited!" 

"Yes!" I scream out and it only takes me a second to realize that Im up on my feet, fist proudly high in the air, and a shit-eating grin on my face. And the it only takes me a second after that to realize everybody's "What the fuck" expression. Their faces were different, but the message was still clear.

"Umm..." I mutter, laughing nervously and slowly retreating my hand from the air. I cleared my throat and forced a nonchalant facade. " I mean, yeah, sure. That-that sounds nice... I can-"

" You can dig it?" Finn asks with a smirk, except this one is alot more genuine from his other ones and it immediately eases my embarrasement. I sigh softly and smile back at him.

" Yeah, I can dig it."


I just finished with my last curl and you cant possibly know how much of a relief that is. When I got back to the dorm, Cece was stark naked and had almost gave me heart failure. Let me tell you, that girl is damn comfortable in her own skin and she has every right to be! I'm not even going to lie, I checked her out a little bit. Hey, I gotta give props where it's due.

Turns out, Cece was getting ready to head out to the same party I was going to and almost blew my ear off with her loud squeal when I told her . She said this is our chance to "get closer". I mean, we're living together and I saw the girl naked. How much closer can you get?

I checked myself out in the mirror and smiled at what I saw. My hair was losely curled, just enough so it looked like natural waves and enough volume that it didnt look like I stepped out of the Hairspray  casting. My make-up was light because I couldnt stand the feeling of something caked on my face. But my dress was my favorite. It was a short, gray, one-sleeve beauty with a gap in my right side. It really set off my skin tone and I couldnt help feeling sexy in it. Standing next to Cece, one could almost think that me and her were equals. 

"Cade, are you done alrady?" I heard Cece's voice yell out from the dorm in obvious agravation, which doesnt quite make sense because she was the one who took up most of the time we had left. 

Instead of responding back to Cece, I packed my make up and hair products and walked out of the bathroom. As I was dumping them all on my bed for later clean up, I heard an audible gasp and turned around to find Cece gaping at me. I furrowed my brows in confusion and vaguely wondered if she was off her rocker.


" You look...amazing Cade! Gosh, you're gonna be a total knock out at the party!" I blushed at her apraising tone. Compliments were always hard for me but this particularly one, coming from her, made a smile come on to my face.

Before I could respond, Damen, Finn and Drew bust into our dorm, causing both me and Cece to jump.

"Honey, Im home!" Finn called out in an over-cheesey voice which just made me roll my eyes and turn back to my closet to find shoes.

"You!" Cece spit out, looking at Finn in distaste. Finn rolled his eyes and threw up his hands in exasperation.

"Golly, what is up with females greeting me like that! It's never going to end , is it?" Finn buried his head in his hands and Drew starting patting his back in comfort.

"That's life, man." Drew said sympathetically. I rolled my eyes at the two and started digging through my bag of shoes which I never got around to unpacking. I felt someones breath on the back of my neck, then Damens low voice filled my ears.

"You look beautiful." I turned around to him with a smile and I couldnt help but check him out as well. And well, as we all know, he looked fucking hot. His hair was styled in that messy just-rolled-out-of-bed way that only he could pull of. He had on a white v neck paired with dark skinny jeans that hung off his hips nicely. Add his black Doc Martens and the leather jacket, and you've got yourself a picture perfect bad boy.

" You're quite a catch yourself." I respond back and he chuckles, looking down at his clothes.

"This old thing." He replied, making me laugh, knowing damn well his clothes were not anywhere near "old".

"I see you're wearing your bracelet." He eyes my wrist and I absentmindedly twisted it around.

" Wouldnt leave home without it." He smiles a beautiful, blinding smile at that and I cant help but to stop and stare.

"Alright, lovebirds, we gotta go now if we're going to make it to this party." And leave it up to Finn to ruin everything. I shake my head and slip into one of my heels that arent backbreakingly high. Lord knows how clumsy I am in sneakers, I dont need to add neck-breakers to the mix. 

"Let's go."

** So this was just a little filler chapter. Party next chapter and maybe Cade's first day of school. Please commetn and tell me what you think!:)<33**

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