Chapter 2 - band

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Ps.This song is the song that Bella know how to play the best and plays at band in the morning
I woke up this morning at 6:30 because I start band at 7:00. Today was the day that I have to face my fear of playing in front of people. I know Steph is in the band and I did not tell her that I was joining because I thought it would be a surprise for her but for Jerome. it would not be a surprise because he is the one he told me to join. Jerome told me to meet him out the front of school so he could show me where where the band practiced. I walk up to Te school gate and see him on his phone leaning against the gate.

"Hey bell. You ready for band this morning" he ask me

" I think so but I really don't won't to play in front of people"

" it will be fine they will love you, Come on let's get going" he waves his hand to tell me to follow and I do. We walk pass the small music rooms till we get to the big one. We walk in and no one is there besides Mr Stenning.

" good morning Bella and Jerome. How are u both " he ask us

" good sir" we both say at the say time

Soon every one is here and the blowers (every one but the percussion people) warm up. No one has seen me yet that is good. Mr Stenning then says that we are play Due North and ask if Jerome is ready no one turns arounds yet.

Jerome walks over to me and whispers " hey bell you want you play this song"

" um "

" come on bell you are really good at this song"

" ok then " I walk over to the drum kit and he Stenning gives my the thumbs up and I give one back. He counts us in and every starts to play and so do I. So soon as I start everyone turns around to see me play. I look back at Jerome and he has his trumpet in his hand standing next to me with his music sheet for his song. I stop  playing and hide behind the kit and everyone is still looking at me to see who I am. But I don't want them to know who I am!!!!

" Bella come on. Come out from behind there" mr Stenning says

" Bella?" Some people say

" Bella is that Bella in year 8" I know that voice anywhere it is Steph.

" yes" I say quietly

I hear a chair move and then I see Steph in front of me. She reaches out her hand and helps me up and gives me a hug and says " Bella why are you hiding "

" I don't like playing in front of people " I say quietly

" come on bell you can do it " Jerome say now by my side

" bell?" Steph says with a questioning look.

" yeah bell it is my nick name for her" Jerome says

" is it now" she give me a smirk and walk back over to her seat.

" every please don't stare at her is new to the band"

" oh. No joke Sherlock " some boys says

" guys she is a little shy so be nice to her. Let's start to play the song now Jerome can you play next to her so she gets used to hear people play around her" he says

" sure thing sir" Jerome says he picks his trumpet back up off the ground and we all start the play. By the time school starts I am blushing a deep red because Jerome had his hand on my the whole time.

Anyway it is my birthday soon and I turn 14 this year and Jerome turns 14 a few days after me as well. Plus his is in most of my class as well.

Time skip to a few days
Jerome POV

Today we have band I like always I meet bell out the front of school she is really nice, kind, caring, sweet and beautiful girl. I was thing that today I would maybe ask her out. So we can be girlfriend and boyfriend because I am in love with her and I think she likes me to. I see her walk to me with her hair to the side it look cute that way.
" hey bell " I call out to her

"Oh hey I can I ask you something " she say

" yeah sure but I have something to say first"

" ok then what is it Jerome " her voice is so sweet.

" I really like you but no as a friend....... Well what I mean is that I love you and that I want to ask you if you will go out with me" I ask her

She blush a deep red. She opens her mouth to speak but nothing come out. She closes her mouths and opens it to speak.." Yes .... That is what I want to ask you "

I that point I ran up to her and give her a hug and hold her hand all the way to band. Today is a good day.

Sorry for the short chapter but the next one will be long like the first

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