I See Home In Your Eyes

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Tyler looked down into the smiling face of his best friend. There was dirt on his checks and blood smeared on his forehead. A large gash cut through his left eye brow. His lip was still bleeding.

"What did you get yourself into?" Tyler whispered. He pushed a piece of Josh's hair back behind Josh's ear and smiled.

"Wasn't my fault. The bunnies talked me into it," Josh laughed. His voice was hoarse.

Tyler laughed a little too. He didn't quite understand what Josh had said, but based off the strange armour and various cuts and bruises, he guessed that a lot had happened on the other side of the canvas. Things that may even be beyond his comprehension.

"How do you feel?" Tyler asked. He shifted Josh's head so that he had it cradled in his lap, with the rest of Josh's body lying at slightly odd angles; his feet still pointing towards the canvas, through which Tyler had pulled him out.

"I'm feel happy," Josh replied, a simple smile stretched across his face. "I'm happy."

Tyler was surprised. "You're happy? How? You're all cut up and broken and you're probably starving and exhausted. How can you be happy?"

Josh just shook his head. "I got the Gem," he explained. "And I learned things and made friends. I'm happy."

Tyler just looked down at him.

"But most of all," Josh continued, "I'm home. I'm back with you."

Tears began to fill Tyler's eyes. He had missed his best friend. The other half of the band. The peanut butter to his jelly. The only person he would ever dream of sharing all of himself with.

"You're home," Tyler whispered. "You're home."

The two stayed seated on the living room floor for a while. The rest of their families hid behind the kitchen door, dying to go and see Josh, but also knowing that the two needed their time  together. They had seen Josh and Tyler go through just about everything, but this was the first time that they had gone through something big without the other being there. Even when they had fought in the past, they still stayed in the same room and played games and talked it out and vented to each other. They were each other's missing part, whether they knew it or not.

Eventually Tyler helped Josh to his feet and guided him around the wreckage to the kitchen. A window was smashed in, dust littered the floor in piles, the coffee table was over turned and charred, half of the couch was thrown across the room, and the frame of the painting was splintered and smashed, while the canvas itself had a ledge hole through the center.

"Ty, what happened to your living room?"

Tyler shrugged. "Just tried to get you back."

"What exactly did you do?"

Tyler looked at Josh with a gentle and loving expression. "Just about everything."

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