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We took the taxi to Seamus' old apartment. It was very far from the hotel and it was VERY costy. It took about an hour or two to get to his old apartment. Like what the meow?! The guys and I went up to the door and knocked. We waited for a good minute to see Clash, Seamus's room, in his pjs.

"Hey guys. What's up?" Clash said. Stefani giggled at his morning voice.

"Hey Clash. We were just came to see if you saw Seamus. So, have you seen or talked to him?" I said. He shook his head.

"Nah, I tried calling him months ago but I guess he changed his number. But you guys can come in, if you want," Clash suggested.


We walked into the apartment. The apartment looked the same like years ago, just emptier. It wasn't just Seamus' stuff on the wall, it was now all Clash's. Aleks went ahead and looked through the rooms. Aron was just staring at Clash.

"Um, are you ok?" Clash said to Aron. Aron nodded.

"Oh, I guess we didn't introduce the new guys. That's Aron and over there is Stefani," I said, pointing to Stef who waved," I figured you knew Aleks, he just left the room."

"Nice to meet you Aron. Would you like a Dum Dum lollipop? I have a bunch in the cabinet," Clash said, sticking his hand out for Aron to shake. Aron's lips turned into a smile and gave Clash the biggest hug I've ever seen Aron do. Stefani was in awe while I chuckled.

"Well, Clash. Is it ok for us to go exploring around the house for clues?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"Yea, go ahead. I'll be in my room. Nice to meet you, Stefani," Clash said. She nodded her head and he left. Aron went to look for the Dum Dum lollipops while Stefani went to look for Aleks. I went to Seamus's old room and saw that mostly all of his office stuff is still there. I looked through his belongings and turned on his monitor.

The password to his computer was pretty simple. It was something he likes but too lazy to play, Donkey Kong. I quickly typed in the letters and waited for the desktop to load. Minutes later, I received a text from James, saying when are we going back home. I didn't know when we are so I didn't reply. While waiting, I looked around Seamus' room. It was clean and empty. The walls still has his posters and pictures that were hanged in frames.

The desktop had loaded and I was currently looking through Seamus' files. It was wrong, but I had to find some clues. I looked through his photos and seen a bunch of pics, Seamus looks so happy. There was a bunch of pics him with Sly, Disney World, family, and somehow, Wyoming. I wrote down ideas of places on where to go onto my phone and left the room. I met the guys on the couch, possibly waiting for me.

"What's up Jordan?" Aleks said.

"I have ideas on where to go. Let's go."

We have reached back to the hotel and rested. Aron was too tired to take another step so we stayed here for the night. I told Stefani to get us tickets to Florida so we can see Sly and go to Disney World. Maybe Eddie can help us or Seamus was at Disney World. I rested on the bed and closed my eyes, praying about Seamoose.

We reached to Florida and Sly had came to pick us up from the airport. It's been so long since we actually talked to him and see him. I miss his golden giggles. During the tide to his house, we caught up on a lot of stuff, and let me tell you, Sly's English had improved.

"So Eddie, have you seen Seamus?" Aleks asked out of the blue. It was kind of sudden but it got to the point.

"No. But I wish I did. Where is he?" Sly asked. Everyone groaned. Sly raised an eyebrow.

"We were asking you," Stefani told.

"Oh, well I'm sorry if you guys came here to talk about him. I haven't seen him since I moved," Eddie confessed.

"It's ok. It was an idea to try. Plus, we might go to Disney World to see if he's there," I said.

"Oh really?! Jordan, why didn't you tell me?!" Aron screamed. I guess he was pretty excited.

Sly snickered and drove to his place. His house wasn't big but it had room for us to stay. We met Sly's mother and she made us a fest. She's a good cook. We also met Kala, Sly's girlfriend. Of course, the girls talked their mouths off. Before we went to bed, I told Stefani to order Disney World tickets so we can prepare ourselves for tomorrow.

At Disney World, the group, including Sly and Kala, discussed on the meeting place and where we're going. Aron and Aleks are going on some ride, Eddie, Kala and Stefani are going to walk around, and it was just me. I just walked around the place where Seamus might be at. Sadly, I didn't find him and ended up in Mickey Mouse ears, face make up and eating a candy apple. The guys saw me and laughed.

"Wow Jordan. Looks like Mickey Mouse threw up on you," Stefani joked. I mocked her and took my hat off. I had the ears over my Cardinals hat so it was a struggle.

"Have you seen Seamus?" Aron asked.

"No, but this candy apple is delicious," I stated, showing them my treat. I took a bit and gave it to Aleks, who also took a bit. Stefani took out her wipes and wiped my face.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Kala said. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I just wanna go home. My feet are killing me," I stated.

"Home it is!" Sly said, walking to the exit of the amusement park.

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