Chapter 2

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I finally found my room and it's super awesome and huge too. After about 2 half hours of putting away my stuff I went down stairs and went into the dining room and saw my mom and brother waiting for me I guess so when I sat down "so honeys do you love your new rooms" mother asks me and brother. "I definitely like my room also because it has my band and me are the walls of my bedroom." Brother said "so Peter sweet heart do you like your room" mother asks me "definitely it's awesome mother thanks" I said after we three ate super I went back up to my room and I got ready for bed and when my head hits the pillow I was lights out.

~Third POV~(first day of school and meeting a old childhood friend)

Anyways it's about 6:00 in the morning and Peter is just getting out of his warm and cozy bed now because he has to get ready for school today and school starts at 8:00 in the morning. After that he hopped into his shower and turns on the warm and a little bit of cold water on.

~Peter POV~

'Man I wish school starts at least 10:00 in the morning' I thought while drying my body and drying my hair too. After I'm done drying myself I wrap my towel around my waist tightly and I walked out of my private bathroom and I walked towards my light blue dresser and I got out of my outfit that is dark blue skinny jeans, sleeveless greyish green shirt, panda sweater, dark purple arm warmers, and my white socks on. after I got change into my clothes and I put my favourite panda sweater on too. Anyways I walk to the living room on the main floor and I see my brother and mother "good morning mother and good morning big brother" "good morning sweet heart are you already for school today" mother asks me "Yup I'm all ready and I'm so excited for today" I said hopping a little bit after I done hoping around for no reason I sat down at the dining table between my mom and my big brother and ate some chocolate chip pancakes and drank all my milk after that I got up from my chair and ran upstairs and into my bedroom where my private bathroom is and brushed my teeth and hair again. After I'm all done in my bathroom I grabbed my black backpack and slugged over my shoulder and ran downstairs to the front doors and put on my dark blue shoes after that I kissed my mother on her left cheek and I fist pumped with Kane and left out the front doors and I see my white and black limousine in front of the drive-way and the driver got out of the limousine and opened the door for me and I got inside and he shuts the door softly after that It took us to get to my new school 30 minutes and my driver opens my door for me and bows down to me and I say "thank you for driving me to school today also can you please pick me up around 5:30 in the afternoon" I said nicely "of course young mr. Night" my driver said to me.

~Time Skip (Peter is standing in front of his class right now and going introduce his self)~

"Hello my name is Peter night I'm 16 1/2 years old and I hope we all can be friends" after I said that I gave everyone a charming smile of mine. "Thank mr. Night does anyone have questions for mr. Night" after sensei said that a lot of the girls in my classroom raised their hands up and some of the boys did too. I pointed to a girl with long light honey hair "is that your real hair colour" she asks me "yes this is my real hair colour I got it from my mother's side of the family" I said. Then I pointed to a boy with blonde hair and Violet eyes "why are you wearing a panda sweater and where you got one from" he asks me two questions "well your first question is I love my panda sweater it's very warm and your second question is I got this from my childhood friend he hand made it for just me" after I said that I then pointed at a girl with short black hair and with a little pink in it "you say your last name is night are you the most richest family in the world and you have Royal blood too" she asks "yes to your first question My last name is night and yes my family is the richest in the world and yes to your second question my father and his side of the family have Royal blood" I said. After that I ask my sensei where I sit at. I sat down in my chair and sensei started the lesson.

~Time Skip (lunch time)~Third POV~

So it's lunch time and a lot of the girls in Peter's class wants him to join their group but Peter denied all of the girls and he walks outside and he found a perfect spot to have his lunch in peace. The spot Peter found is a picnic table under a almost blooming blossom tree. When Peter was eating his home made lunch that his mother made for him. There was a black and white kitten sleeping underneath the picnic table all a sudden woke up and smells something delicious and it's stomach growls loudly and Peter heard it. Peter looks underneath the table and see adorable kitten so Peter thought the kitten was hungry so Peter picks up the small adorable kitten and puts the small kitten on top of the picnic table and start giving the kitten small pieces of rice balls and same pieces of fish too. After they both down eating Peter picks up the kitten gentle and puts the kitten inside his panda sweater pocket and the pocket is big enough for the kitten to fit and to breathe too.

~Time Skip (it's 3:06pm) Peter POV~

So me and my new adorable friend start walking or in my case I'm walking and he is sleeping in my panda sweater left pocket and yes I found it is a boy. Anyways I'm standing in front of a abandon music room 3 I open the right door of the abandon music room 3 and all of a sudden I'm almost blinded by a bright light and I shut my eyes quickly and I almost choke on some red rose petals. Then all of a sudden I heard 7 voices said at the same time "Welcome" 'what the fuck' I thought after the light and rose petals disappeared I open my eyes again and see two people from my classroom and with some other people I don't know and don't give a fuck about who they are 'but the tall giant looks so familiar wait it can't be ?!?!' I thought I look straight at the giant eyes and said "taka is that really you" I said loudly so he could hear me and the others could hear it to and his eyes widen when I said that and the other people around looks confuse and the girls look confused too. Anyways He starts walking towards me and when his standing in front of me he bends down and he lifts his left hand and his hand wraps my left cheek and I lean into his hand and I grabbed his giant hand with both of my hands. "Yes it's me Peter I miss you a lot and I see the panda sweater still fits you" taka said after he said that my eyes started getting wet I started sniffing and I'm full on crying or sobbing in front of him and in front of girls too. "I-I MISS Y-YOU S-SO MUCH T-TAKASHI" I said also crying loudly and All of a sudden I felt takashi lifted me up and hold me like a baby. "I missed you a lot to I thought about you everyday and every night" taka said. "Um mori sempai who is that ???" someone said I looked down to who said that it was a boy with brown hair and big brown eyes 'he looks like a girl' I thought. I looked up at takashi again "he is my childhood fri-" before he could finish what he was saying two twin gingers grabbed me from takashi and start questioning who I was and I start to shake more and I think takashi and the boy that looks like a girl sees this and started walking towards us and the boy that looks like a girl punched the twins head very hard. "OWE haruhi that--" one twin said "--hurt very much" the other twin finish saying

Panda boy (OHSHC fanfic/ Mori love story boyxboy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt