Chapter One- Favor

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Chapter One:
This Book Is Dedicated To My Awesome Sister Sam { @Warned }

I gasped for air, horrified from just a dream, I placed my hand over my heart, taking slow breaths. I saw a familiar face in that dream. He looked just like me, dark hair, along with eyes, thick eyebrows, short, and we have the same scar on our cheek. I gently lifted my hand to my face, and touched my bumpy scar, from years ago, it was exact. It felt real.

Too real.

I looked in the slightly cracked mirror across from my bed. I looked into my own eyes and  I saw the face in my dream, but a little more blurry, and fuzzy, as if I needed glasses. God where did I know him from? And then it hits me, that's my brother, a faint memory races through my mind quickly. I heard my parents talk about him a few times. But if my parents told me lies about where he was how was I supposed to find him? I never saw him but I know hes out there, somewhere.

I looked at my cheap plastic watch which read; 7:48 AM. I got out of bed groaning, tired, confused and everything in between.

After cleaning up myself, and making my bed, I changed into something presentable for school well It didn't really matter anyway because It was the last three weeks of twelfth grade, I usually dressed up but  honestly, who gave a crap about what you wore? People were too busy deciding what collage they wanted to go to or studying for exams, it wasn't elementary school anymore when everyone noticed your light up sneakers.

I felt exhausted because I dedicated the last month of June studying and going over everything I learned this year and making sure I was ready for the exams, so I studied late at nights either in my room  on my desk, or in a quiet spot in the local library which wasn't very far.

My point is, that I had too much things on hands right now, focusing on my brother would complicate all of this way too much. I couldn't handle it right now. I don't even know what collage I wanted attend.

I headed downstairs to my parents in the kitchen drinking classic homemade coffee, on the table while reading a magazine all over. "Good morning." I beamed cheerfully, kissing my father on his forehead. He had dark bags under his eyes, which weren't unusual because he stayed up late as well but he had night shifts instead. I walked over to my mother and gave her a smile, "Hi mom,"

"Good morning Frankie, don't be late to school," She warned, "you should get going now." I nodded, grabbing an apple and my keys to my BMW, and headed out the door. I drove to school, which took approximately ten minutes, but I arrived ten minutes early at exactly 8:20AM.

I met up with Lola who  was parking just a few spaces next to my car, she exited her vehicle and met up with me, "Frankie, hey." She greeted running her fingers through her brown hair.

I walked with her towards the school, talking about our future and where we want to go. We talked for  10 minutes straight, until she stopped at stared at me, as her eyes met with mine. "You don't talk to me as much, what do you want?"

With a blank expression on my face, a little hurt, I  exhaled in and out, and managed to say while lowering my voice, "I need a favor."

Thank You all for reading :-) Uh, Please and Thank You Give Feedback and tell me how I Did Today, and vote and Comment! I know this is short but I tried and failed. LOL Hahah Bye People of Wattpad!

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